(b) Photo configure:
-Slide Time: adjust slide show interval to 1-8
-Slide Mode: adjust slide show effect as mode
0-59 or random.
-Aspect Ratio:
[Keep]: Play picture in its original aspect.
[Discard]: Play picture in full screen mode.
(c) Movie Configure
-Subtitle Specific:
Select the subtitle size. Available settings are Small, Normal and Big.
-Subtitle BG:
Select the subtitle background color. Available settings are Transparent,
Gray, Yellowgreen and White.
-Subtitle Font Color:
Select the subtitle font color. Available settings are White, Black, Red, Blue
and Green.
(d) USB PVR Configure:
-Record Device:
Displays information of the connected USB storage device.
Formats the connected USB device. ( WARNING: THIS WILL DELETE ALL
The most unique feature of the STB is its ability to record live T V. There are
two ways you can do this. The first is to simply connect a USB storage device
to your STB and press the record button on the remote. The other way is to
schedule a program to record using the blue
button or from within the EPG menu.
To schedule a recording follow the below
Press the blue button on the remote.
Press the red button to add a schedule.
Adjust the settings according to the schedule
of the event. (Start-End time, record/view,
Press OK button
Press EXIT button