Creating Terminal Block Labels*
1. Start with a clear display.
2. Press Label Type.
3. Select Terminal Block and press Enter
4. Right arrow until screen reads Spacing = .2". (Right
arrow to flashing cursor and type desired spacing).
5. Arrow down to Serial and right arrow until the screen
reads On.
6. Arrow down to # of Terminations and right arrow until
screen reads 3, or type 3.
7. Arrow down to Rotation and right arrow until the picture
displays a vertical legend.
8. Press Enter
9. Type E000 and press Print.
*Use Brady part numbers M21-500-499 or M21-375-499.
Fixed Length Label with Auto Size
1. Start with a clear display.
2. Press Label Type.
3. Select Fixed Length and press Enter
4. Select Fixed: 2.0" and press Enter
5. Press Font Size.
6. Select Auto.
7. Type 12345, press Enter
8. Press Print.
and type WM12.