in the default system�s contact list; incoming
call notifications are not supported for third
party contact lists. Only show number for
unsaved contacts:When this setting is enabled,
it can control whether or not incoming call
notifi cations are shown.
Message notification content viewing is
available for QQ, WeChat, Facebook Messenger,
Twitter, LINE, Skype, WhatsApp, KaokaoTaok, Instagram, Snapchat, and
others. The smart wristband can receive push notifications from the
phone�s notification column. If the phone�s notification column does
not have push notifi cations, the smart wristband may not receive push
notifi cations.
Apple Devices: The notification center uniformly pushes notification
content to the smart wristband. Users must tap �pair� when the app
sends a pairing request to the smart wristband, and permit the app to
display iPhone notifi cations.
6.3.3.Idleness Alerts: Enable/disable alerts of idleness after a certain
period of inactivity. Users can set the period, or do not disturb during
lunch break, etc.
6.3.4.Heart rate monitor: Enable or disable the automatic heart rate
6.3.5.Smart alarm: tap �Add Alarm� to set an alarm name, time, and
period. After setting is completed, the device will synchronize. Offline
vibration alarms are supported.