You have adquired a glass polisher. This machine has been manufactured using the
most advanced technology for safety, reliability and design. It is extremely robust and requires very little
In these pages you will find the main characteristics of the product and the necessary operations for a good
working and its maintenance.
You only have to follow the simple advices described in this handbook to get the most efficient working.
Only authorized technical services can give you the best warranty in services and original spare parts.
The customer Technical service departament is always disposed to listen your comments and suggestions
to improve constantly the quality of the product and customer satisfaction.
Read carefully this manual and follow its recommendations accurately. These warnings are in order to do a
correct use of the machine. Read them before installing or using it.
The descriptions and characteristics of this document are informative and they aren't contractual. The
manufactured can make, without notice, all changes or improvements that maybe considered neccesary
to guarantee the quality of the product.