When an input is triggered by the fluid level variations, the associated ouput is switched on, the associated LED
indicator starts to blink, and the accoustic alarm turns on. The output will stay on as long as the input remains triggered,
while the accoustic alarm and the blinking LED indicator will both stay on until the "STOP" button is pressed.
The following sequences show a typical application (fresh fluid tank, with single low-level probe, controlling a solenoid
valve and an external alarm) and how each element will react in every situation:
Initial situation. Fluid level is above the probe level.
Fluid level drops below probe level. Indicator LED
flashes, the internal buzzer starts to beep, the
solenoid valve gets powered and the external alarm
is switched on.
User presses the "STOP" button. The internal buzzer
and the external alarm are switched off, but the LED
indicator and the solenoid valve stay on.
Fluid raises above probe level. The LED indicator
and solenoid valve are both switched off. (Note: if the
fluid level raises above the probe level before the
"STOP" button is pressed, only the solenoid valve is
automatically switched off. In this case, to switch off
the LED indicator, the internal buzzer and the
external alarm, press the "STOP" button).
Balcrank Corporation - Weaverville - NC · Tel.: 800-747-5300 ·
R. 06/20 SB 3050