The relative humidity:
The temperature- or humidity trend:
an hour and will maintain the direction for one hour even when it remains
steady. The humidity trend will respond accordingly if the humidity
changes by 2 %.
Channel display:
Low battery:
to the instructions in section Starting The Outdoor Sensor /
Changing Batteries.
296586_1901_aur_Funk-Wetterstation_Content_US.indd 25
This displays the relative humidity the outdoor sensor
is exposed to.
The trend will appear as rising (or dropping), when the
temperature changes by 2 °C (= 3.6 °F) or more within
The main station automatically receives the outdoor
signal once you have completed all the settings.
Note: Please select a different channel for the outdoor
sensor by pressing the CH button
channel selector switch
ference from nearby equipment transmitting radio signals
occurs. The relevant data is shown in the LC-display.
- 1: Outdoor sensor on channel 1
- 2: Outdoor sensor on channel 2
- 3: Outdoor sensor on channel 3
- : automatic channel change
If the battery symbol appears the batteries in the outdoor
sensor should be replaced as soon as possible. Please refer
on the mains or the
on the outdoor sensor if inter-
24.06.19 11:47