You can use delete TP key ( Green color key) on the RCU to delete
current frequency and symbol rate.
4. Polarization: select HOR or VER polarization mode.
5. Search Type: select search type.
6. NIT Search: set NIT Search ON or OFF.
7. Press LNB Settings key( Red color key) on the RCU to jump to
Antenna Settings menu.
5.3.1 Set PID
If you want to set PID( Packet
Identifier) manually, Press Set PID
key ( Yellow color key ) on the
RCU, the screen will display a sub-
menu, enter the current value and
select OK.
5.4. Motor Setting
Select Motor setting than press OK
key, the screen will shown as
1. Satellite Name: Select first sate-
llite which you want.
2. Motor Setup: Select Disable or
Enable. If you select Enable option,
you can operate as below.
3. Transponder: Select desired
4. Move: use VOL- and VOL+ keys on the RCU to let motor move to
west or east setup.
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