14.2 Spare parts
The original Moretti spare parts are guaranteed for 6 (six) months from the day you receive
14.3 Exempt clauses
Except what clearly specified in this warranty and in accordance with the law, Moretti S.p.A. does
not offer its clients any other declaration, warranty or condition, expressed or implicit, including any
declaration, warranty or condition of merchantability, of non violation or non interference, of suitability
for a specific aim. Moretti S.p.A. does not guarantee that the use of Moretti products will be continuous
and faultless. The duration of possible implicit warranties that may be applied in accordance with the
law is limited to the warranty period. Some states or countries do not allow limitations to the duration
of an implicit warranty, or the exoneration, or the limitations of accidental or indirect damages related
to products for consumers. In such states or countries some exonerations or limitation of this warranty
may not be applied to the user. This warranty is subject to modifications without any prior notice.
Product _______________________________________________________________________
Purchased on (date) ____________________________________________________________
Retailer ______________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________ Town/city ______________________________________
Sold to ________________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________ Town/city ______________________________________
Via Bruxelles, 3 - Meleto 52022 Cavriglia (Arezzo) Tel. +39 055 96 21 11
email: info@morettispa.com