However, the talk and standby times
may vary when used with different
1. To turn on the speaker, switch the
ON/OFF button to the ON position in
the back of the speaker . To turn off
the speaker, switch the ON/OFF but-
ton to the OFF position
2. When you turn on the device, the
voice will say "the bluetooth device is
ready to pair " Activate the bluetooth
fearure on the phone, and sent the
phone to search for wireless device
(the speaker will show on your device
Play/Pause button
1. For incoming call, click once to
answer and once to end the call.
2. Press and hold for 2 seconds for
the light sequences
3. Click once to pause or play music.
4. On radio mode (see below) plug
Aux cable as antenna, click once for
Frenquency auoto search , when you
find the staion that you want , click
one more time to save the station on
the Bluetooth Speaker.
5. Then use the 2 volume buttons to
choose the channel you want
HPBLED2-notice.indd 5
Mode Button
1. Click once for radio mode and once
more for bluetooth mode.
1. Press once for previous song .
2. Press and hold for volume down
3. Press once for NEXT song .
4. Press and hold for volume UP
*Note : If the bluetooth is not paired
with any device after 8 minutes it will
go into "sleep mode ".To re-activate
wireless speaker switch the button to
the OFF position then switch button
back to the ON position.
For Auxiliary input, plug in the in-
cluded 3.5mm cable to 3.5mm audio
cable to the AUX input in the back of
the speaker and the other end of the
3.5mm cable into your music device
.A voice prompt will signal that the
connection is successful .
31/05/2017 10:31