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Reliable A-2 Instrucciones Para Instalación, Funcionamiento; Cuidado Y Mantenimiento página 4

Dispositivos automáticos para el mantenimiento de la presión


Idiomas disponibles

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Model A-2 Au to matic Pres sure Main te nance De vice with Dry Pipe
Valve Trim mings
Model B-1 Au to matic Air Main te nance De vice with Dry
Pipe Valve Trim mings
The equip ment pre sented in this bul le tin is to be in stalled in ac cor dance with the lat est per ti nent Stan dards of the Na tional Fire Pro tec tion As so ci a tion, Fac tory Mu tual
Re search Cor po ra tion, or other sim i lar or ga ni za tions and also with the pro vi sions of gov ern men tal codes or or di nances when ever ap pli ca ble.
Prod ucts man u fac tured and dis trib uted by Re li able have been pro tect ing life and prop erty for over 80 years, and are in stalled and ser viced by the most highly qual i fied
and rep u ta ble sprin kler con trac tors lo cated through out the United States, Can ada and for eign coun tries.
Man u fac tured by
Fig ure 3
Fig ure 5
The Re li able Au to matic Sprin kler Co., Inc.
(800) 431-1588
(800) 848-6051
(914) 668-3470
www.reliablesprinkler .com
with De luge Pi lot Line Ac tu a tor
with De luge Pi lot Line Ac tu a tor
Sales Of fices
Sales Fax
Cor po rate Of fices
Internet Ad dress
Fig ure 4
Fig ure 6
Re vi sion lines in di cate up dated or new data.
E.G. Printed in U.S.A 05/00
P/N 9999970040
Re cy cled Pa per



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