* Master code #
Important notes
1. The master code must have 6-8 digits.
2. The code "duress" must have 8 digits. The first digit of the code
must be 1 for Zone 1 and 2 for Zone 2.
3. User PIN must have 4-6 digits. The first digit of the PIN must be
1 for Zone 1 and 2 for Zone 2.
4. User ID can be any number between 1 and 2000.
5. The card number must have between 8 and 10 digits. If the card
number contains less than 8 digits, add 0 in front of the code.
6. Open door delay time: between 0 and 99 seconds. 0 = 50mS
7. When a user card is registered in the device, the device will
automatically generate a PIN 1234 that cannot unlock the door.
8. If an invalid master PIN is entered, the device enters standby after
5 seconds. If a valid master PIN is entered, the device enters standby
mode after 30 seconds.
9. When using the keypad, pressing the # key confirms the previously
executed key command. When adding or deleting cards one after the
other, pressing the # key indicates the end of the cycle, and pressing
the * key indicates exit from this operation.
10. When you add cards in series, the device automatically assigns
an ID number and a card number. The ID number and card number
increase automatically with each card added, up to a maximum of
LED off when the device is in
0 #
The LED flashes when the device is
1 #
in standby mode. (default setting)
16 - User manual