1. Once the correct clamp arms needed are attached to the puller body. Determine which of the
2 center screw lengths is appropriate for the job (shallow or deep). Thread the correct screw
into the threaded center of the puller body. (Fig 1)
2. Next determine the correct end tip adapter needed to press out the pulley. Press that tip
adapter directly into the hole at the end of the center screw threaded shaft. Note: Pulleys with
a center shaft with a depression in them will use the pointed tip adapter (Fig 2). All others will
use the flat tip adapter (Fig 3).
3. After removing the fastener holding the pulley on the center shaft (either Bolt, Nut, C-Clip). Line up the adjustable puller
body against pulley using adjustment screw until clamp teeth are tightened snug against grooves of pulley. (Fig 4)
4. Once the Pulley Puller is fully tightened and secure on the pulley, tighten the center screw by hand until tight against center
of pulley shaft making sure it is centered properly. Warning: Continuing to tighten the puller down when off center may
cause damage to the pulley and/or pulley axle. Then using a 3/8 in. Drive ratchet or Flex handle, or using a 17mm wrench
slowly tighten center screw until the pulley is pressed off of center shaft. Warning: Do not use impact tools with on this
Pulley Puller. Once the pulley is loosened you may remove the pulley puller unit from the pulley and remove the pulley the
rest of the way by hand if necessary. (Fig 5)
Fig 1
Fig 2
Fig 3
Fig 4
Fig 5