4.1 Information menu
The remote control can communicate to the user some useful information on boiler status. Each press of the button allows
the cyclical display of the following information:
T1 Heating circuit flow water temperature
T2 DHW temperature
T3 Heating circuit return water temperature (Only for boilers equipped with sensor)
T4 Flow water temperature setpoint calculated by the remote control
P5 Actual burner power
F6 Actual fan speed (Only for condensing boilers)
F7 Actual DHW flow (Only for instantaneous boilers equipped with flow meter)
P8 Actual system pressure (Only for boilers equipped with pressure sensor)
M Remote control model
V Remote control software version
Press any other button to exit the menu.
4.2 Power failures
The remote control provides for storing the operation mode and calendar updating (day, hour and minutes) in case of a power
failure. The charging reserve is 5 hours minimum (guaranteed only if the remote control remains electrically fed for at least 1 hour).
Otherwise, it is necessary to reset the current day, hour and minutes and then the operation mode.
code 3541Z220 - Rev. 05 - 12/2021