In accordance to Article 33 of REACH GCE, s.r.o. as responsible manufacturer
shall inform all customers if materials containing 0.1% or more of substances
included in the list of Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC). The most com-
monly used brass alloys used for bodies and other brass components contain
2-3% of lead (Pb), EC no. 231-468-6, CAS no. 7439-92-1. The lead will not be
released to the gas or surrounding environment during normal use. After end
of life the product shall be scrapped by an authorized metal recycler to ensure
effi cient material handling with minimal impact to environment and health. To
date we have no information that indicates that other materials containing SVHC
of concentrations exceeding 0.1% are included in any GCE product.
The Standard Warranty period is two years from date of receipt by the GCE
Customer (or if this is not known 2 years from time of the product manufacture
shown on the product).
The standard warranty is only valid for products handled according to Instruction
for use (IFU) and general industry good practice and standards.
Nr. 1 - Cutting table
Zizkova 381
583 01 Chotebor
Czech Republic
Tel : +420 569 661 111
Fax : +420 569 661 602
© GCE,