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Enlaces rápidos

The engine exhaust from
this product contains
chemicals known to the
State of California to cause
cancer, birth defects or
other reproductive harm.
Before using our
brushcutters, please read
this manual carefully to
understand the proper use
of your unit.
DRIVE UNIT 70100101 and up
ENGINE UNIT 70100101 and up
Les échappements du
moteur de ce produit
contiennent des produits
chimiques connus par l'Etat
de Californie comme étant
responsables de cancers,
d'anomalies congénitales et
d'autres atteintes à
l'appareil reproducteur.
Avant d'utiliser cette
débroussailleuse, veuillez
lire attentivement ce manuel
afin de bien comprendre le
bon fonctionnement de cet
BOITE DE COMMANDES 70100101 et au-delà
MOTEUR 70100101 et au-delà
Los gases de escape del
motor de este producto
contienen sustancias
químicas conocidas por el
Estado de California como
causantes de cáncer,
malformaciones en recién
nacidos y otros problemas
de reproducción.
Antes de usar nuestros
productos, lea
detenidamente este manual
a fin de familiarizarse con el
uso correcto de este
848-J74-93A1 (705)
y superior
y superior


Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para RedMax TR2301S

  • Página 1 848-J74-93A1 (705) OWNER / OPERATOR MANUAL MODE D’EMPLOI MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES BRUSHCUTTERS DEBROUSSAILLEUSE DESBROZADOR TR2301S WARNING AVERTISSEMENT ADVERTENCIA Les échappements du Los gases de escape del The engine exhaust from moteur de ce produit motor de este producto this product contains...
  • Página 2: Safety First

    English SAFETY FIRST Instructions contained in warnings within this manual marked with a symbol concern critical points which must be taken into consideration to prevent possible serious bodily injury, and for this reason you are requested to read all such instructions carefully and follow them without fail.
  • Página 3: Tabla De Contenido

    Français Español SECURITE LA SEGURIDAD PRIMERO Les instructions contenues dans les mises en Las instrucciones que aparecen en este manual garde de ce mode d’emploi portant le symbole bajo las advertencias marcadas con el símbolo concernent les points critiques qui doivent être hacen referencia a puntos críticos que deben pris en considération pour éviter les blessures tomarse en consideración para evitar posibles...
  • Página 4: Parts Location

    (rpm) Idle speed····················································································································3000 ± 200/min (rpm) Fuel ·················································································································· Mixture (Gasoline 50 : Oil 1) (when using RedMax/ZENOAH genuine oil) Carburetor ··············································································································· Walbro Diaphragm type Spark plug ······························································································································NGK BPMR7A Fuel tank capacity····························································································································19.6 fl.oz (0.50 ) Transmission ········································································································ Centrifugal clutch, Rigid driveshaft Reduction ratio···················································································································································...
  • Página 5: Emplacement Des Composants

    Puissance maximale····················································································· 0,95 CV (0,71kW) à 7000 t/mn Vitesse de ralenti················································································································· 3000 ± 200 t/mn Carburant ····································································································· Mélange (essence 50 : huile 1) (Lors de l’utilisation de la véritable huile RedMax/ZENOAH) Carburateur················································································································· Walbro à diaphragme Bougie d’allumage ················································································································· NGK BPMR7A Contenance du réservoir de carburant ·············································································································...
  • Página 6: Emission Control

    English 3. Warning labels on the machine (1) Read owner's manual before operating this machine. (2) Wear head, eye and ear protection. ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) (3) Warning! Danger of kickback. (4) Beware of thrown objects. (5) Warning/Attention (6) Keep all children, bystanders and helpers 15 meters away from the brushcutter...
  • Página 7: Etiquettes D'avertissement Placées Sur La Machine

    Français Español 3. Etiquettes d’avertissement sur la machine 3. Etiqueta de advertencia en la máquina (1) Lire le mode d’emploi avant d’utiliser cette (1) Lea el manual de instrucciones antes de usar machine. esta máquina. (2) Porter un casque de sécurité, des lunettes de (2) Use protección para la cabeza, ojos y oídos.
  • Página 8: For Safe Operation

    English 5. For safe operation 1. Read this manual carefully until you completely understand and follow all safety and operating instructions. 2. Keep this manual handy so that you may refer to it later whenever any questions arise. Also note, if you have any questions which cannot be answered herein, contact the dealer from whom you purchased the product.
  • Página 9: Consignes De Securite

    Français Español 5. Consignes de securite 5. Instrucciones de seguridad 1. Lire ce manuel attentivement jusqu’à une 1. Lea detenidamente este manual hasta compréhension totale et suivre toutes les comprender cabalmente todas las instrucciones instructions de sécurité et d’utilisation. de seguridad y uso. 2.
  • Página 10: Before Starting The Engine

    English 5. For safe operation it unsafe to use the product. ■ WORKING PLAN 1. You should never use the product when under the influence of alcohol, when suffering from exhaustion or lack of sleep, when suffering from drowsiness as a result of having taken cold medicine or at any other time when a possibility exists that your judgment might be impaired or that you might not be...
  • Página 11 Français Español 5. Consignes de securite 5. Instrucciones de seguridad grands vents ou toute autre condition climatique climáticas puedan hacer inseguro el uso del rendant l’utilisation de la machine dangereuse. producto. ■ PLAN DE TRAVAIL ■ PLAN DE TRABAJO 1. Ne jamais utiliser la machine sous l’influence de 1.
  • Página 12: Starting The Engine

    English 5. For safe operation IMPORTANT Remove any obstacle before beginning work. 3. Inspect the entire unit for loose fasteners and fuel leakage. Make sure that the cutting attachment is properly installed and securely fastened. 4. Be sure the debris guard is firmly attached in place. 5.
  • Página 13 Français Español 5. Consignes de securite 5. Instrucciones de seguridad IMPORTANT IMPORTANTE Retirer tout obstacle avant de commencer le travail. Quite todos los obstáculos antes de iniciar el trabajo. 3. Vérifier que la machine ne comporte aucun élément 3. Inspeccione la unidad completa para determinar si desserré...
  • Página 14 3. When replacing the cutting attachment or any other part, or when replacing the oil or any lubricant, always be sure to use only RedMax products or products which have been certified by RedMax for use with the RedMax product.
  • Página 15: Mantenimiento

    RedMax para ser usados con esta máquina. SAV agréé par RedMax le plus proche pour 4.En caso de que sea necesario sustituir alguna pieza demander assistance.
  • Página 16: Handling Fuel

    ■ HANDLING FUEL 1. The engine of the RedMax product is designed to run on a mixed fuel which contains highly flammable gasoline. Never store cans of fuel or refill the tank of...
  • Página 17: Manipulation Du Carburant

    ■ MANIPULATION DU CARBURANT ■ MANIPULACIÓN DEL COMBUSTIBLE 1. Le moteur de la débroussailleuse RedMax est conçu 1. El motor de este producto RedMax ha sido diseñado pour fonctionner avec du mélange contenant de para funcionar con una mezcla de combustible que l’essence hautement inflammable.
  • Página 18: Installing Handle

    English 6. Set up ■ CONNECTING SWITCH WIRES • Connect the switch wires between the engine and the main unit. Pair the wires of the same color. ■ INSTALLING HANDLE • Mount the handle to the shaft tube and clamp it at a location that is comfortable to you.
  • Página 19: Assemblage

    Français Español 6. Assemblage 6. Montaje ■ RACCORDEMENT DES FILS ELECTRIQUES ■ CONEXIÓN ALAMBRES • Relier les fils électriques entre le moteur et la INTERRUPTOR machine en faisant correspondre les couleurs de • Conecte los alambres del interruptor entre el motor y fils.
  • Página 20 • The RedMax engines are lubricated by oil specially formulated for air-cooled 2-cycle gasoline engine use. If RedMax oil is not available, use an anti- oxidant added quality oil expressly labeled for air- cooled 2-cycle engine use. (JASO FC GRADE OIL or ISO EGC GRADE) •...
  • Página 21: Carburant

    • Les moteurs RedMax sont lubrifiés à l’aide d’une • Los motores de RedMax están lubricados con un huile spécialement conçue pour les moteurs 2 temps aceite especialmente formulado para uso en à...
  • Página 22: Fueling The Unit

    English 7. Fuel ■ HOW TO MIX FUEL IMPORTANT Agitate carefully. 1. Measure out the quantities of gasoline and oil to be mixed. 2. Put some of the gasoline into a clean, approved fuel container. 3. Pour in all of the oil and agitate well. 4.
  • Página 23: Como Mezclar El Combustible

    Français Español 7. Carburant 7. Combustible participer ainsi à la protection de l’environnement et • Gasolinas o aceites de mala calidad puede dañar de votre santé. los anillos de sellado, las líneas o el tanque de • De l’essence ou de l’huile de basse qualité risque combustible del motor.
  • Página 24 English 7. Fuel cause severe damage to the internal engine parts very quickly. 2. GASOHOL – It can cause deterioration of rubber and/or plastic parts and disruption of engine lubrication. 3. OIL FOR 4-CYCLE ENGINE USE – It can cause spark plug fouling, exhaust port blocking, or piston ring sticking.
  • Página 25 Français Español 7. Carburant 7. Combustible 1. ESSENCE SANS HUILE (ESSENCE PURE) – 1. COMBUSTIBLE SIN ACEITE (GASOLINA CRUDA) L’essence pure est capable d’endommager très – Esto ocasionará rápidamente daños graves a las rapidement les pièces du moteur. partes internas del motor. 2.
  • Página 26: Starting Engine

    English 8. Operation ■ STARTING ENGINE WARNING The cutting head will start rotating upon the engine starts. 1. Rest the unit on a flat, firm place. Keep the cutting head off the ground and clear of surrounding objects as it will start rotating upon starting of the engine. 2.
  • Página 27: Fonctionnement

    Français Español 8. Fonctionnement 8. Uso ■ MISE EN MARCHE DU MOTEUR ■ ARRANQUE DEL MOTOR AVERTISSEMENT ADVERTENCIA Faire attention que la lame de coupe se mette à Tenga presente que el cabezal cortador comenzará tourner dès que le moteur démarre. a girar cuando el motor sea arrancado.
  • Página 28 English 8. Operation IMPORTANT • Except for an emergency, avoid stopping the engine while pulling the throttle lever. ■ ADJUSTING THROTTLE CABLE • The normal play is 1 or 2mm when measured at the carburetor side end. Readjust with the cable adjuster as required.
  • Página 29 Français Español 8. Fonctionnement 8. Uso IMPORTANT IMPORTANTE • Sauf en cas d’urgence, ne jamais couper le contact • Excepto en casos de emergencia, evite detener el lorsqu’on accélére. motor mientras tira de la palanca del acelerador. ■ REGLAGE CÂBLE D’ACCÉLÉRATEUR ■...
  • Página 30 English 8. Operation 3. Use a slow, deliberate action to cut heavy growth. The rate of cutting motion will depend on the material being cut. Heavy growth will require slower action than will light growth. 4. Never swing the unit so hard as you are in danger of losing your balance or control of the unit.
  • Página 31 Français Español 8. Fonctionnement 8. Uso débris en balayant toujours de gauche à droite. 3. Acometa la acción de forma lenta, deliberada para 3. Lors de la coupe d’herbe épaisse, ralentir cortar crecimientos fuertes. La velocidad del délibérément la progression. La rapidité de coupe movimiento de corte dependerá...
  • Página 32: Maintenance Chart

    English 9. Maintenance Maintenance, replacement, or repair of the emission control device and systems may be performed by any non-road engine repair establishment or individual. ■ MAINTENANCE CHART every every every system/compornent procedure before hours hours hours note after after after ✔...
  • Página 33: Entretien

    Français 9. Entretien L’entretien, le remplacement ou la réparation du dispositif et des systèmes de lutte contre les émissions peuvent être effectués par toute société ou individu spécialisé dans la réparation des moteurs hors-route. ■ TABLEAU D’ENTRETIEN Toutes les Toutes les Toutes les Système/Composant Procédure Avant...
  • Página 34: Air Filter

    English 9. Maintenance ■ REFILLING TRIMMING LINE (MA1) 1. For replacement line, use a diameter of .095in (2.4mm). The spool is capable for a line upto 20ft (6m) on the 4” head. Avoid using a larger line as it may cut down the trimming performance. WARNING For safety reasons, do not use metalreinforced line.
  • Página 35: Filtre A Carburant

    Français Español 9. Entretien 9. Mantenimiento ■ REMPLACEMENT DU FIL DE COUPE (MA1) ■ RELLENADO DE LA LÍNEA DE DESBROCE (MA1) 1. Pour le renouvellement, utiliser du fil de 2.4 mm de 1. Para la línea de reemplazo, utilice un diámetro de diamètre.
  • Página 36: Spark Plug

    Clean the spark plug and check that the plug gap is in the correct range. For a replacement plug, use the correct type specified by RedMax. (MA4) .025 in • REPLACEMENT PLUG IS A NGK BPMR7A. 0.655mm IMPORTANT •...
  • Página 37 électrodes. Comme bougie de rechange, margen correcto. Para cambiar la bujía, utilice el tipo n’utiliser que le type approprié spécifié par RedMax. correcto especificado por RedMax. (MA4) (MA4) • LA BUJÍA DE RECAMBIO DEBE SER UNA BUJÍA •...
  • Página 38 English 9. Maintenance ■ GEAR CASE (MA6) • The reduction gears are lubricated by multipurpose, lithium-based grease in the gear case. Supply new grease every 25 hours of use or more often depending on the job condition. • Remove the side bolt in gearcase opposite of grease nipple before installing new grease to arrange for old grease to exit.
  • Página 39: Caja De Engranajes (Ma6)

    Français Español 9. Entretien 9. Mantenimiento ■ BOITIER DE RENVOI D’ANGLE (MA6) ■ CAJA DE ENGRANAJES (MA6) • Les engrenages du renvoi d’angle sont lubrifiés par • Los engranajes de reducción se lubrican con grasa de la graisse au lithium se trouvant dans le carter. multi propósito a base de litio en la caja de Effectuer un graissage toutes les 25 heures engranajes.
  • Página 40 English 9. Maintenance ■ PROCEDURES TO BE PERFORMED AFTER EVERY 100 HOURS OF USE 1. Remove the muffler, insert a screwdriver into the vent, and wipe away any carbon buildup. Wipe away any carbon buildup on the muffler exhaust vent and cylinder exhaust port at the same time.
  • Página 41: Rangement

    Français Español 9. Entretien 9. Mantenimiento ■ PROCEDURE A EFFECTUER TOUTES LES 100 ■ PROCEDIMIENTOS A REALIZAR CADA 100 HEURES D’UTILISATION HORAS DE USO 1. Démonter le silencieux et insérer un tournevis dans 1. Desmonte silenciador, introduzca la fente pour retirer tous les dépôts éventuels de destornillador en el orificio de ventilación, y limpie calamine.
  • Página 42: Optional Blade Usage

    English 12. Optional blade usage WARNING • For security reason, in case of mounting the OPT1 blade on this product and use it, purchase the blade kit (T3195-94000) and change guard, handle from the original ones, attach hanger and use shoulder strap. ■...
  • Página 43: Utilisation De La Lame Optionnelle

    Français Español 12. Utilisation de la lame optionnelle 12. Uso de hoja opcional AVERTISSEMENT ADVERTENCIA Pour des raisons de sécurité, au cas où vous Por razones de seguridad, si desea montar la hoja souhaiteriez fixer la lame sur ce produit et l’utiliser, en el producto y utilizarla, compre el kit de hoja acheter le kit de la lame (T3195-94000) et changer (T3195-94000) y reemplace el protector y el mango...
  • Página 44 Choose a suitable recommended cutting attachment OPT5 according to the object to be cut. (OPT5) • When replacing blade always be sure to use products which have been certified by RedMax. (1) 9” 22-tooth : SST229 (2) 9” 24-tooth : SST249 (3) 8” 8-tooth : SGB088 (4) 9”...
  • Página 45 (OPT5) • Lors du remplacement de la lame, s’assurer que la • Al reemplazar la hoja, asegúrese siempre de usar nouvelle lame soit bien agréée par RedMax. productos que hayan sido certificados por RedMax. (1) 9” 22 dents : SST229 (1) De 22 dientes de 9 pulg.
  • Página 46 • Make sure that the blade is not bent, warped, cracked, broken or damaged. • If you find any error to the blade, discard it and change new one which is certified by RedMax.
  • Página 47: Utilisation De La Lame Optionnelle

    • Si la lame présente le moindre défaut, la rebuter • Asegúrese de que la hoja no esté doblada, et la remplacer par une lame d’origine RedMax. deformada, agrietada, rota o dañada. • Si detecta un desperfecto en la hoja, deséchela y cámbiela por una hoja nueva certificada por...
  • Página 48 English 12. Optional blade usage ■ By using the shoulder strap, hang the unit on your OPT11 right side. Adjust the strap length so that the cutting head may become parallel to the ground. (OPT11) WARNING Make sure to use shoulder strap and debris guard. If not, it is very dangerous when you slip or lose your balance.
  • Página 49: Control Del Contragolpe De La Hoja

    Français Español 12. Utilisation de la lame optionnelle 12. Uso de hoja opcional ■ Mettre le harnais sur l’épaule gauche et placer la ■ Utilizando el arnés para el hombro, cuelgue la machine sur le côté droit. Régler le harnais pour que unidad en el lado derecho de su cuerpo.
  • Página 50: Transporting The Unit

    English 12. Optional blade usage 3. How you can maintain the best control: a. Keep a good, firm grip on the unit with both hands. A firm grip can help neutralize bounce. Keep your right and left hands completely around the respective handles.
  • Página 51 Français Español 12. Utilisation de la lame optionnelle 12. Uso de hoja opcional d’herbe déjà coupée ou d’autre sorte de débris. izquierda. g. Mantenga el área de trabajo despejada de material cortado y de otros desechos. 3. Comment conserver le meilleur contrôle de la 3.
  • Página 52: Troubleshooting Guide

    English 13. Troubleshooting guide Case 1. Starting failure CHECK PROBABLE CAUSES ACTION ➞ ➞ fuel tank incorrect fuel drain it and with correct fuel ➞ ➞ fuel filter fuel filter is clogged clean ➞ ➞ carburetor adjustment screw out of normal range adjust to normal range ➞...
  • Página 53: Liste Des Pièces

    ZENOAH genuinas según se RedMax/ marque ZENOAH replacement. especifica en la lista de piezas. comme précisé dans la liste 2. RedMax/ZENOAH does not 2. RedMax/ZENOAH no garantiza des pièces. warrant the machines, which máquinas que se han dañado RedMax/ ZENOAH ne garantit...
  • Página 54: Parts List

    14. Parts list Fig.1 DRIVE UNIT TR2301S (S/N 51000101 and up)
  • Página 55 Fig.1 DRIVE UNIT TR2301S (S/N 51000101 and up) Key# Part Number Description Q'ty Key# Part Number Description Q'ty 848-J8S-5820 PIPE COMP. 848-A56-92C0 GOGGLE T3400-12130 • SEAL PT104 Plus TAP HEAD COMP. 3520-12213 SHAFT T3189-15112 • CASE T3195-31001 GEARCASE ASSY T3189-15191 •...
  • Página 56 14. Parts list Fig.2 ENGINE UNIT TR2301S (S/N 51000101 and up)
  • Página 57 Fig.2 ENGINE UNIT TR2301S (S/N 51000101 and up) Key# Part Number Description Q'ty Key# Part Number Description Q'ty 848E3Y12A0 CYLINDER 51 848-E34-31A1 COVER, ENGINE T1600-12210 GASKET 0263-90510 SCREW 1850-12130 BOLT M5x22 5500-85510 SCREW M5x16 3699-90332 PLUG BPMR7A 848-E30-5110 SHOE COMP.
  • Página 58 14. Parts list Fig.3 CARBURETOR...
  • Página 59 Fig.3 CARBURETOR TR2301S Key# Part Number Description Q'ty Key# Part Number Description Q'ty 848E488100 CARBURETOR ASSY WYL-221 1 1794-81450 • BODY ASSY 3306-81380 • • SCREEN 3356-81310 • • VALVE, inlet 1794-81270 • • SPRING 1850-81220 • • SCREW 3310-81250 •...
  • Página 61: Garantie Limitée

    Cette garantie vous donne des droits juridiques spécifiques, et vous pouvez également jouir d’autres droits variant d'une province à l'autre. Si vous désirez obtenir des informations sur le centre de service le plus proche, veuillez appeler RedMax / ZENOAH AMERICA, INC. au (770)-381-5147 Note importante: vous recevrez une carte d'enregistrement de garantie au moment de l'achat.
  • Página 62: Garantía Limitada

  • Página 64 ZENOAH AMERICA, INC. 1100 Laval Blvd. Suite 110 Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043 Printed in U.S.A.

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