PCI to CompactPCI Interface Kit R&S TS-PSC0
3 Commissioning
3.1 Installation in the host PC (root module)
3.1.1 Configuration of the PCI card
The PCI card is configured as a root card with activated bridge function
(transparent mode). This configuration is set before the unit leaves the
3.1.2 Installation of PCI card in the Host PC
After the card is configured as the root it can be installed in the Host PC.
During the start process of the Host PC after the Root card is installed,
Windows Plug&Play detects the card as "Other PCI bridge device" and
prompts for driver installation. The installation of the driver can be ig-
nored with no adverse affect on functionality. There is only one "uniden-
tified bridge manager" in the Windows Device Manager. The Host PC
must now be shut down again so the network can be set up.