If an error message is displayed, refer to the following list for possible corrective actions you can take. If these do not
correct the problem, contact your dealer.
"Err 2"
"Err 3"
"Err 5"
"Err 12"
"Err 7"
"Err 10"
"Err 11"
"Err 14"
All other errors
Motor over-speed
Bad data. Operator parameters
set to default values.
Voltage out of range
Over temperature
Internal error or failure.
1. Clear by pressing any key.
2. Check for proper tube loading
and pump operation.
3. Return unit for repair if the
error persists.
1. Clear by pressing any key.
2. Check for proper tube loading
and pump operation.
3. Return unit for repair if the
error persists.
1. Clear by pressing any key.
2. Reprogram operator parameters.
3. Return unit for repair if the
error persists.
1. Clear by pressing any key.
2. Check that AC line voltage is
within specified voltage ranges.
3. Return unit for repair if AC
line voltage is correct and the
error persists.
1. Check for heat sources or
obstructions to cooling.
2. Check for proper tube loading
and pump operation.
3. Allow unit to cool. Clear by
pressing any key.
4. Return unit for repair if no
cause for overheating is found
and the error persists.
1. Clear (if possible) by turning
power off and on.
2. Return unit for repair if the
error persists.