Circulating pump adjustment without a connection to an external hot water
storage tank
The factory setting is suitable for all installations; however a different opera-
tion strategycan be set, depending on the characteristics of the system.
Setting Dp-v
Proportional head
fi g.18
- Setting Dp-v Proportional head (fi g.18)
The circulating pump head will be automatically reduced with the decrease in fl ow
raterequired by the system. This setting is optimum for systems with radiators (2
pipes or single pipe) and/or thermostatic valves.
The strong points are the reduction in power consumption with the decrease in
systemdemand and reduction of noise in radiators and/or thermostatic valves. The
operatingrange is from min. (1) to max. (7).
- Setting Fixed speed (fi g.19)
The circulating pump does not modulate its power. The operating principle is that
of conventional 3-speed circulating pumps (with a reduction in power consumption
comparedto them). The operating range goes from speed 1 (I) to speed 3 (III).
Water system characteristics
In the presence of water harder than 25° Fr (1°F = 10ppm CaCO3), use suitably
treatedwater in order to avoid possible scaling in the boiler. Treatment must not re-
duce the hard-ness to values below 15°F (Decree 236/88 for uses of water intended
for human con-sumption). Treatment of the water used is indispensable in case of
very large systemsor with frequent introduction of replenishing water in the system.
Antifreeze system, antifreeze fl uids, additives and inhibitors
The boiler is equipped with an antifreeze system that turns on the boiler in heating
modewhen the system delivery water temperature falls under 6°C. The device will
not comeon if the electricity and/or gas supply to the unit are cut off. If it becomes
necessary, it ispermissible to use antifreeze fl uid, additives and inhibitors only if the
manufacturer ofthese fl uids or additives guarantees they are suitable for this use
and cause no damageto the heat exchanger or other components and/or materials
of the boiler unit and system. It is prohibited to use generic antifreeze fl uid, additives
or inhibitors that are not expressly suited for use in heating systems and compatible
with the materials of the boilerunit and system.
3.4 Burner connection
The burner is equipped with fl exible pipes and a fi lter for connection to the oil feed
line.Run the fl exible pipes out of the back and install the fi lter as indicated in fi g.20.
fi g.20 - Fuel fi lter installation
The oil feed circuit must be made according to one of the following diagrams, wi-
thout exceeding the pipe lengths (LMAX) given in the table.
Fixed speed
fi g.19
fi g.21 -Suction feed
fi g.22 - Siphon feed
fi g.23 - Ring feed
3.5 Electrical connections
Connection to the electrical grid
The unit's electrical safety is only guaranteed when correctly connected
to aneffi cient earthing system executed according to current safety stan-
dards. Havethe effi ciency and suitability of the earthing system checked
by professionallyqualifi ed personnel. The manufacturer is not responsi-
ble for any damagecaused by failure to earth the system. Also make sure
that the electrical systemis adequate for the maximum power absorbed
by the unit, as specifi ed on theboiler dataplate.
The boiler is prewired and provided with a Y-cable and plug for connection to the
electricity line. The connections to the grid must be made with a permanent connec-
tion andequipped with a bipolar switch whose contacts have a minimum opening
of at least 3mm, interposing fuses of max. 3A between the boiler and the line. It
is important to respect the polarities (LINE: brown wire / NEUTRAL: blue wire /
EARTH: yellow-greenwire) in making connections to the electrical line. During ins-
tallation or when changingthe power cable, the earth wire must be left 2 cm longer
than the others.
The user must never change the unit's power cable. If the cable gets
damaged,switch off the unit and have it changed solely by professionally
qualifi ed personnel. If changing the electric power cable, use solely
"HAR H05 VV-F" 3x0.75mm2 cable with a maximum outside diameter of
8 mm.