ensure that your dWR-555 mobile Router is powered off before performing the steps below.
1. Insert a standard u(sIm) card into the sIm card slot on the back of the router with the gold
contacts facing downward.
2. Insert your Internet/Wan network cable into the Wan port on the back of the router.
Note: the 3.75G connection can also be used as a backup Wan. once a backup is
configured, if the ethernet Wan is not available the router will automatically use 3.75G for the
Internet connection.
3. Insert the ethernet cable into the lan port 1 on the back panel of the dWR-555 mobile
Router, and an available ethernet port on the network adapter in the computer you will use to
configure the unit.
Note: the dWR-555 mobile Router lan ports are "auto-mdI/mdIX." therefore, patch or
crossover ethernet cables can be used.
4. connect the power adapter to the socket on the back panel of your dWR-555 mobile Router.
plug the other end of the power adapter into a wall outlet or power strip.
a. the status led will light up to indicate that power has been supplied to the router.
b. the leds on the front panel will flash on and off as the dWR-555 mobile Router performs
c. after a few moments, if a connection has been established, the following leds will turn
open a browser window and enter the Ip address below into the browser address field.
log in using the username and password below.
DWR-555_A1_QIG_v1.00(DI).indd 3
initialization and Internet connection processes.
solid green: power, status, Wan, Wlan, and lan port 1 (or whichever port(s) your
ethernet cable has been connected to).
Ip addRess:
useRname: admin
2010/11/16 下午 06:07:03