Página 3
USER'S MANUAL CONTENTS saFetY iNstrUCtioNs iNtroDUCtioN sUGGesteD setUP MetHoDs FeatUres sPeCiFiCatioNs APPENDIX aPPliCatioNs Phonic preserves the right to improve or alter any information within this document without prior notice...
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS the apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and that no objects with liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on the apparatus. the MaiNs plug is used as the disconnect device, the disconnect device shall remain readily operable.
Phonic, at its option, shall repair or replace the defective unit covered by this warranty. Please retain the dated sales receipt as evidence of the date of purchase.
MANUAL DEL USUARIO CONTENTS iNstrUCCioNes De seGUriDaD iNtroDUCCiÓN MÉtoDos De setUP sUGeriDos CaraCterÍstiCas esPeCiFiCaCioNes APéNDICE aPliCaCioNes Phonic se reserva el derecho de mejorar o alterar cualquier información provista dentro de este documento sin previo aviso...