Adjusting the volume of the hands-free appliance
You can adjust the sound volume level of the hands free device with the
+/- buttons 3.
• During a call, repeatedly press the + resp. - buttons 3 until the desired sound
volume level is obtained. The attainment of the maximum sound volume level
is indicated by a short signal tone.
Charging 5 V Devices
• Check the max. input voltage (5V) and the max. power input (1000 mA) of
the device which you want to charge. For this, consult the operating manual
of the device.
• Connect the device to be charged with the USB port 4 on the hands free
device. The device now receives its power supply from the hands free device.
If the device is equipped with a charging indicator light, this will indicate that
the device is being charged.
If you cannot connect the hands-free appliance with a compatible mobile
telephone, proceed as follows:
• Ensure that the Bluetooth
• Ensure that the hands-free appliance is correctly installed, switched on and
supplied with electricity.
• If you use several Bluetooth
connection of the mobile telephone is separated.
function in the mobile telephone is activated.
appliances, ensure that a previously created