Filtro Del Tanque De Combustible; Filtro De Combustible - Echo EGi-3600LN Manual Del Operador

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6. Install the muffler screen and the muffler cap.
6. Install the muffler screen and the muffler cap.
7. Install the cover and tighten the screws.
7. Install the cover and tighten the screws.
6.6 Fuel tank filter


6.6 Fuel tank filter
Never use the gasoline while smoking or in the
Nunca use gasolina mientras fuma o cerca de una
Never use the gasoline while smoking or in the
vicinity of an open flame.
llama abierta.
vicinity of an open flame.
1. Retire la tapa del tanque de combustible y el filtro.
1. Remove the fuel tank cap and filter.
2. Limpiar el filtro.
1. Remove the fuel tank cap and filter.
2. Clean the filter with gasoline.
3. Seque el filtro y vuelva a instalarlo.
2. Clean the filter with gasoline.
4. Instale la tapa del tanque de combustible.
3. Wipe the filter and install it.
3. Wipe the filter and install it.
Asegúrese de que la tapa del tanque de
4. Install the fuel tank cap.
4. Install the fuel tank cap.
combustible esté bien apretada.
Be sure the fuel tank cap is tightened securely.
Be sure the fuel tank cap is tightened securely.


6.7 Fuel filter
6.7 Fuel filter
1. Quite los tornillos (1), luego retire la tapa (2) y drene el combustible.
1. Remove the screws ①, and then remove the cover ②, and drain the fuel③
1. Remove the screws ①, and then remove the cover ②, and drain the fuel③
2. Hold and move up the clamp ④, then take off the hose ⑤ from the tank.
2. Sostenga y suba la abrazadera (4), luego retire la manguera (5) del
2. Hold and move up the clamp ④, then take off the hose ⑤ from the tank.
3. Take out the fuel filter .
3. Take out the fuel filter .
4. Clean the filter with gasoline .
3. Saque el filtro de combustible.
4. Clean the filter with gasoline .
5. Dry the filter and put it bank into tank .
5. Dry the filter and put it bank into tank .
4. Limpiar el filtro.
6. Install the hose and clamp, then open the fuel valve to check whether it is
6. Install the hose and clamp, then open the fuel valve to check whether it is
5. Seque el filtro y vuelva a colocarlo en el tanque.
7. Install the cover and tighten the screws.
6. Instale la manguera y la abrazadera, luego abra la válvula de com-
7. Install the cover and tighten the screws.
bustible para verificar si hay fugas.
7. Instale la tapa y apriete los tornillos.
- 31 -
Fuel tank cap
- 31 -
Tapón del depósito
Fuel tank cap
de combustible


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