20 mins max
60°C max
This product meets all the basic EU regulatory requirements relevant to it.
Selective collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment.
Electrical equipment should not be disposed of with household waste.
According to the EU Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and
electronic equipment and its transposition into national law, waste
electrical equipment must be collected separately and disposed of at
designated collection points. Contact your local authority or vendor for
advice on recycling.
Change your oil when the engine is warm (let it cool down for 15
minutes after a journey).
Do not suck out cold oil.
Do not run the drainer for more than 20 minutes continuously. Wait
15 minutes between 2 oil changes.
Disconnect the drainer from its power source when not in use.
Store the product in a dry place.
Within the inspection process, oil can be used to check this element.
A small amount may be inside the pump when it is new.
Oil temperature max. 60°C.