Las notificaciones en tiempo real con un completo sistema de alertas se pueden activar en la sesión del perfil de CONTRALL App. Se enviarán alertas en
tiempo real en caso de:
-Temperatura del acuario fuera del rango establecido por el usuario
- Protección de rotor bloqueado
- Protección contra el funcionamiento en seco
- Pérdida de señal Wi-Fi
Periodic updates of the App are recommended in order to take advantage of any improvements to the service and the Application itself.
MY DEVICES: these are the single devices registered and manageable individually
MY SMART SYSTEMS: it is possible to group together a series of individual devices, for example 2 XSTREAM SDC pumps, a SYNCRA SDC pump and a pump
for skimmer PSK SDC and create a system to which to assign a distinctive name. In case you want to manage multiple aquariums, this function allows you to
control them more immediately and efficiently. It will be possible to switch off and switch on all devices by pressing a single button and schedule FEED TIME.
NOTIFICATIONS: in this session the received notifications will be automatically recorded.
PROFILE: within this session it is recommended to activate the NOTIFICATIONS, to adapt the units of measurement to the country system, to give consent to
the newsletter to receive updates and communications, to select the desired language.