Notice d'utilisation parachute | FLUIDLIGHT
First of all, take care that your reserve is compatible with the harness you want to use with. In case you will use protection accessories (Bumpair, airbag), it must be installed in
the harness first, then check that your rescue fits well in the reserve container, without too much space or compression.
You will need :
-1 x Tandem «Y» Dyneema® risers ( Réf.: ELESBIY )
- 3 x 7mm square Maillon Rapide® ( Réf.: MAILCARIN7 )
- 4 x «O» toric rings ( Réf.: MPPP044 )
>> «Y» Tandem risers direction :
>> «Y» tandem riser - reserve parachute connection.
- Open the Maillon
- Push the short riser's
loop through the flexible
- Push the maillon
toric ring.
through the flexible
- Push the maillon
toric ring.
through the riser's loop.
- Twist
Reserve connection
Spreader bars
- Give a second twist to
the toric ring.
- Push the Maillon
Rapide® through the
riser loop.
Connecting Tandem reserve parachute
Repeat sequence 1
- Give a slide to the
through 5 with the
riser towards the other
upper side of the «Y»
side of the Maillon
tandem risers.
Tidy up the assembly.
- Be certain that the risers end loops are
securely in place.
- Close the maillon tightly by hand.
- Complete tightening with pliers by making
a ¼ tightening turn.
| FLUIDLIGHT | page 13