The Motor cultivator has a 6 speed gear
box ( 4 forward and 2 reverse). These are
selected with levers 7 and 9 (Fig. 2)
With lever 9 on slow, the 1st and 2nd gears
can be engaged by using lever 7.
With lever 9 on fast, the 3rd and 4th gear
can be engaged by using lever 7.
With lever 9 on reverse gear, the 1st and 2nd
reverse gears can be engaged by using le-
ver 7.
The Motorcultivator is equipped with a sa-
fety device that prevents the accidental
engagement of the reverse gear when the
P.T.O. is already engaged and vice versa.
ATTENTION: To avoid un-ne-
cessary strain on the controls,
make sure that the P.T.O. is in
idle position before engaging
the reverse gear (and vice ver-
N.B.: The engagement of the gears should
always be preceded by the disengagement
of the clutch. Avoid a protracted clutch di-
sengagement in order to limit the wear of
the thrust bearing .
The Motorcultivator is equipped with n° 2
rear P.T.O. - profile 20 x17 DIN 5482.
The upper P.T.O. is needed for synchronisat-
ion (application of P.T.O. driven trailers).
The lower independent 2-speed P.T.O. is en-
gaged with lever 8 (Fig. 2).
N.B.: Always use the clutch lever when wan-
ting to engage or disengage the P.T.O.
The P.T.O's rotation is anti-clockwise.
N.B.: When the reversing gear is engaged
(for those machines equipped with it), the
rotation becomes clockwise.
The motorcultivator is provided with a dif-
ferential and its corresponding locking de-
vice. The differential locking is activated by
means of lever 3 (Fig. 2), placed on the left
hand side of the handlebar.
N.B.: The locking device can be activated
whilst motor cultivator is running, on con-
dition that wheels do not skid. In this case
disengage the clutch, engage the lock and
slowly release the clutch.
ATTENTION - Never use the
differential lock on a bend.