CO is a colorless,
odorless gas that can
kill, and is created
when any combusti-
ble material is bur-
In the home it can
be generated from
heating and combus-
tion equipment such
as stoves, water
heaters, fireplaces,
charcoal grills, na-
tural gas furnaces,
etc. Vehicles driving
in garages can also
produce it.
When these devices
are well ventilated or
under normal ope-
rating conditions,
the amount of CO
will be small and will
discharge quickly
without causing da-
-Mild symptoms:
slight headache, s
nausea, vomiting,
-Medium symptoms:
drowsiness, confu-
sion, rapid heart rate.
-Serious symptoms:
seizures, uncons-
ciousness, cardiores-
piratory failure, brain
damage, death.
Children and the
elderly may be more
vulnerable. Pay atten-
tion to people at high
risk because they may
experience a more
dangerous situation.
If you experience any
of the symptom listed
above see a doctor
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