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Allgemeiner Anwenderhinweis - Cherry SECURE BOARD 1.0 Manual De Instrucciones


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Cherry GmbH
91275 Auerbach/OPf.
Telefon: +49 (0) 9643 2061-100*
*zum Ortstarif aus dem deutschen Festnetz, abweichende
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9 Allgemeiner
Technische Änderungen, die dem Fortschritt
dienen, behalten wir uns vor. Unsachgemäße
Behandlung und Lagerung können zu Störungen
und Schäden am Produkt führen.
Die vorliegende Anleitung ist nur gültig für das
mitgelieferte Produkt.
10 Gewährleistung
Es gilt die gesetzliche Gewährleistung.
Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihren Händler oder
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11 Hinweis zum
Aufgrund der Position der Nulltaste des
Nummernfelds ist die Tastatur für
Saldiertätigkeiten, die überwiegend blind erfolgen,
in Deutschland nicht anzuwenden. Eine Tastatur
mit nicht-deutscher Tastenknopfbelegung ist in
Deutschland aufgrund der Zeichenbelegung
(DIN 2137 Teil 2) nicht für den Dauereinsatz an
Bildschirmarbeitsplätzen zu verwenden.
Before you begin ...
Every device is different!
The operating instructions contain
information on effective and reliable
• Read the operating instructions carefully.
• Keep the operating instructions and pass them
on to other users.
The CHERRY SECURE BOARD 1.0 is a keyboard
with an integrated chip card reader for contact and
contactless chip cards.
It is characterized by the following features:
• Secure PIN entry for the direct transmission of
the PIN to the chip card
• Secure mode for encrypted transmission of data
between the keyboard and system
For information on other products, downloads and
much more, visit us at
1 Attaching the keyboard to
the PC and installing the
• Connect the USB connector on the keyboard to
the USB port on the PC/laptop.
The integrated card reader is recognized by
Windows and the driver is automatically loaded.
• If the card reader is not recognized, use the
installation instructions for a driver update on
our support page under
Service > Downloads. You will also find the link
to the Linux driver there.
2 Using the chip card
Two chip cards in or on the reader at
the same time
If you try to read a chip card when there
is already another one in or on the reader, the
reader will only access the first card. It does not
matter whether it is a contact or contactless chip
• Remove the first chip card.
2.1 Reading a contact chip card
• Insert the chip card with the chip facing down
and forward into the chip card slot.
After a significant pressure point has been
reached, contact is made.
2.2 Reading a contactless chip card
• Hold the chip card horizontally between the
guides to the back of the chip card reader.
When the chip card fits completely tightly against
the housing of the chip card reader, the data are
3 Secure PIN entry (only for
contact chip cards)
If your application supports it, the entry of the PIN
is not transmitted to the system, but instead from
the numerical keypad of the keyboard directly to
the chip card.
• Confirm the PIN by using one of the two "Enter"
• Abort the process by using the "Esc" key or the
"+" key on the number block.
• Correct your entry with the "Backspace" key or
the "–" key on the number block.
3.1 PIN status display
Lit up
Chip card recognized
Communication with the
chip card
Flashing Off
Chip card reader is waiting
for an answer from the chip
Lit up
Secure PIN entry mode
4 Secure mode
The keyboard can be switched to secure mode by
the system. It can then be authenticated, so that
key entries will be transmitted in encrypted form.
For the secure mode, the corresponding software
must be installed on the system by the
manufacturer. We provide a Software Developer's
Guide for this purpose (see under
Service > Downloads).
4.1 Status display: lock symbol
Standard HID keyboard mode. Data are
sent to the host HID driver.
Lit up
Secure mode, TLS channel set up.
Data are sent in encrypted form.
Flashing Secure mode is currently being set up,
or no user certificate has been
provided yet. No data are sent.
Secure mode was aborted without
authorization. No data are sent.
5 Tips
5.1 Cleaning the keyboard
CAUTION: Damage may be caused by
harsh cleaning agents or liquids in the
• Do not use solvents such as gasoline or
alcohol and scouring agents or scouring
sponges for cleaning.
• Prevent liquids from entering the keyboard.
• Do not remove the keycaps of the keyboard.
1 Switch off the PC.
2 Clean the keyboard with a slightly damp cloth
and some mild cleaning agent (e.g. dish washing
3 Dry off the keyboard with a soft, lint-free cloth.
5.2 RSI syndrome
RSI stands for "Repetitive Strain
Injury". RSI arises due to small
movements continuously repeated
over a long period of time.
Typical symptoms are discomfort in the fingers or
• Set up your workspace ergonomically.
• Position the keyboard and mouse in such a
manner that your upper arms and wrists are
outstretched and to the sides of your body.
• Take several short breaks, with stretching
exercises if necessary.
• Change your posture often.
5.3 Troubleshooting
• Use another USB port on the PC/laptop.
• To make sure that the keyboard is not defective,
test it if possible with another PC/laptop.
• Set the option "USB Keyboard Support" or "USB
Legacy Mode" to enabled in the BIOS of the PC.
6 Disposal
Dispose of the used device at an official
collection point for electronic waste or at
your local dealer.

