Clean the device thoroughly to remove sweat after training
and allow it to dry. Prolonged exposure to moisture can cause
skin irritation.
It is also advisable not to wear these devices too tight or too
loose. If the strap is too tight, it may cause skin irritation. If the
strap is too loose, chafing may occur.
The watch strap should be left so that it can move slightly back
and forth on the wrist.
If you wear the device for prolonged periods of time, remove it to
give your skin a rest. To avoid irritation, swap the device to your
other wrist.
If you notice redness, swelling, itching or any other irritation,
remove the Smartwatch immediately and consult your physician
before using the device again.
Special attention must be paid to the use of these
devices in places with relatively low humidity
When using the Smartwatch/Smartband in places with low relative
humidity (dry/poorly ventilated places, low humidity atmospheric
conditions, dry indoors, if heating or air conditioning is always on,
etc.), as with any other electronic device, it may be affected by
charges of static electricity on rare but certain occasions.
This may cause damage to the device and also to the person
wearing it at that time. Static electricity is everywhere. It surrounds
us without us perceiving it.
An effective trick to avoid a high percentage of static electricity at
• Use a humidifier. Humidity is a good conductor of electricity
therefore, by maintaining an acceptable percentage of it, we will
avoid static in areas of the home where we metal objects may be
found. Small containers of water on top of radiators is another
alternative solution.
The use of the devices in bed, whilst sleeping, is especially dis-
couraged for children and the elderly due to the fact that