Fills with the Wrong Temperature Water
° Turn both faucets on fully.
• Make sure temperature
is correct,
• If Auto Temperature
Control is selected,
cold water may feel warmer
than cold water from the tap tsee page 3).
• Make sure hoses are connected
to correct faucets and inlet connections.
Be sure water supply is regulated
Flush water line before filling washer.
• Check the water heater. It should be set to deliver a minimum
120 ° F (49° C) hot water at the tap. Also check water
heater capacity
and recovery
• Disconnect
hoses and clean screens. Hose filter screens may be plugged.
• To obtain the energy savings_ warm water fills are lukewarm.
• To save energy, this washer
will regulate
wash water temperatures
by mixing hot and cold water to reach the
proper water temperature.