Remove gas-powered
equipment from
thetruck ortrailer a ndrefuel itonthe
ground. Ifthisisnotpossible, then
refuel such equipment withaportable
container, rather than from agasoline
dispenser nozzle.
Keep thenozzle i ncontact withtherim
ofthefuel t ank orcontainer opening at
alltimes until fueling iscomplete. Do
notusea nozzle l ock-open device.
Iffuelisspilled o nclothing, change
clothing i mmediately.
Never o verfill fuel t ank. R eplace gas
capand tighten s ecurely.
Never o perate m achine ina closed
Keep allnuts andbolts tight t obesure
theequipment isinsafe working c ondi-
Never tamper withsafety d evices.
Check t heirproper operation regularly.
Keep machine freeofgrass, leaves, or
other d ebris b uild-up. Clean oilorfuel
spillage a nd remove a ny fuel-soaked
debris. Allow machine tocool b efore
Ifyoustrike aforeign o bject, stop and
inspect themachine. Repair, ifneces-
sary, before r estarting.
Never m ake a nyadjustments
with theengine r unning.
Check g rass c atcher components
thedischarge guard frequently and
replace w ith manufacturer's
mended parts, when necessary.
Mower blades a resharp. W rap the
blade orwear g loves, and useextra
caution w hen servicing them.
Check b rake operation frequently. Ad-
justandservice a srequired.
Maintain orreplace s afety a ndinstruc-
tionlabels, asnecessary.
Besure thearea isclear o fbystand-
ersbefore o perating. Stop machine if
anyone e nters t hearea.
Never carry passengers.
Donotmow inreverse u nless a bso-
lutely necessary.
Always l ook down
andbehind b efore a nd while backing.
Never carry children, even withthe
blades s hut o ff.They may falloffand
beseriously injured o rinterfere with
safe machine operation. Children who
have been given rides inthepast m ay
suddenly appear inthemowing a rea
foranother ride andberunover o r
backed o ver b ythemachine.
Keep children outofthemowing a rea
andinthewatchful care ofa respon-
sible adult o ther thantheoperator.
Bealert a nd turnmachine offifachild
enters t hearea.
Before a nd while backing, lookbehind
and down forsmall children.
Mow upand down slopes ( 15 ° Max),
Choose a lowground s peed s othat
youwill n othave tostop orshift w hile
Avoid starting, stopping, orturning o n
aslope.Ifthetires lose traction, dis-
engage theblades a ndproceed slowly
straight down t heslope.
If machine stops while going uphill,
disengage blades, shiftintoreverse
andback down slowly.
Donotturn onslopes u nless n eces-
sary, and then, t urn slowly a ndgradu-
allydownhill, ifpossible.