Remote Control
Thefun(£ions of the remoteworkthe sameasyourair conditionerstouch controls,
LCD Screen
control set button
peedbutton(high,medium, o r low)
(cool,fan, or dehumidify)
rimer / Temperature mode selection button
Oscillation (Swing)button
Fahrenheit/Celsius selector
Timer Program
Thereare 2 differenttimerprograms, You can setthe numberof hoursbeforethe
air conditionerautomatically t urns OFFor you cansetthe numberd hoursthat will
elapsebeforethe unit turnsON,
Whenthe air conditioneristurned off,you can choose to turn it on inone hour
1, Pressthe (_ buttonon the remoteto turn onthe timerfunction,
2, Pressthe t-. or v
buttonon the remoteto setthe desiredhour.
3,The unit wiI[turn on whenthe set timeelapses,
Whenthe air conditioneristurned on,you can chooseto turn it off inone hour
1, Pressthe (_ buttonon the remoteto turn onthe timerfunction,
2, Pressthe t-. or v
buttonon the remoteto setthe desiredhour.
3,The unit wiI[turn off whenthe settime elapses,
Oscillalin 9 I_lede
Pressthe (SWING) buttonon the remotecontrolto osci%teair movement f rom left
to rightand rightto left
Pressthe Modebuttonto select d ehumidify m ode. When the dehumidify m odeis on,
thetemper_Zure butlonsandfanspeedbuttonsdo notfunction andthe fanwill
operateon medium speed Thedehumidify i ndicatorlightwillilluminate andstaysolid
whileunit isdehumidifyingWhen the humi@yinthe roomis %% or lowers he
compressor w illnot run,the unit willnotdehumidify, andthe Dehumidify l ightwill blink
Pressthe Fahrenheit/Celsius selectorbuttonto disphy temperaturereadingyou
wouldliketo use.