you may needto drainthe unit.
1.[)rain the unit if the Warning Light onthe displaypanelof the air conditioneris on.
2. 7urn off the powerto the unit and unplug.
3. Placea shallowdish underthe draina% plug to collectwater:
4, Remove the drainageplug
5, Replace the plug whendrainagewaterstopsflowing
Cleaning the filter
Thefilter shouldbe cleanedevery2 weeksor 100 hoursof usein orderto maintain properair%w,
1.Remove the filter: Gentlypullthe filter assembly fromthe backof the unit andthenremovethefilter from the assembly,
2. Cleanthefilter byvacuuming or a soft cloth. If the filter is very dirty, it can beeasilywashedwitha milddeter%nt andrinsedthoroughly withcleanwater, Drythe filter before
3. Reinstall t hefilter inthe filter assembly,
4. Replace thefilter assembly on the backof the machine.
Hot÷ : Neveroperatethe air conditioner w ithoutthe filter in place. Thismaydamagethe unit.
and maintaining
the air conditioner
[urn the air conditioner off and remove the eledrical plug. Wipe with a soft, dry, or damp cloth. A mild detergent can be used.
Be sure to remove any residue and dry completely,
Do not use harsh chemicals abrasive cleaners or volatile substance (such as gasoline). Avoid splashing water on the air conditioner as this can seriously dama% the unit.
Storing the air conditioner
If the unitwill not beusedfor a long time,be sureto drainthe aircon@ioner_ c leanthe air filtel;pull out the powersupplyplug and removethe batteriesfromthe remotecontrol
beforestorage. Afterdraining keepthe air conditioner r unningon %N modefor at least8 hoursto dry the unit completely to preventmold.