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MagBlue Mini main features
MagBlue Mini performs the filtering action on heating systems by eliminating
ferromagnetic residues and also sludge or sand that circulates in the pipes.
Thanks to its powerful pullable magnet, the filter is able to remove iron
particles from the water, and any other impurities through a stainless
steel variable filtering system (from 300 to 800 micron).
The filtering system is designed to maximize the contact surface
with the magnet and the mechanical filter, holding all the ferrous and
TECNOGAS manuale di installazione | setup manual | manuel d'instalation | manual de instalación | manual de instalare | manual de instalação
High power Neodymium Magnet inside!
The magnets generate an extensive and powerful magnetic field. They could damage TVs
and laptops, credit cards, computer support, mechanical watches, hearing accessories,
speakers and other devices. Keep the magnet away from all appliances and objects that
can be damaged by strong magnetic fields.
sludgy impurities in the appropriate storage compartment.
The particular structure of the dirt separator allows the cleaning of the
filter in countercurrent with the system on and working, allowing the
discharge of residuals through the appropriate valve. The extremely
compact dimensions make it possible to install the magnetic
dirt separator directly under wall-mounted boilers in the squared
configuration - with 90 ° angled filter inlet and outlet - both horizontally
and vertically, extending the installation possibilities. The mechanics of
the equipment are, moreover, extremely simple, designed to reduce
load losses to the minimum and to be efficient and effective in both
Tecnogas, technology paths!