The measuring sequence corresponds to that of the standard RCD test, see section
3.7.1 „Notes on the Measuring Sequence"; however, computation of the measured
values and the test for tripping.
According to the following formula
U L = I ∆N x R S or I ∆N x R A
at twice the nominal fault current.
Moreover, for testing with tripping, a measuring pause of 30 seconds is inserted
between measuring phases 2 and 3, during which a countdown from 60 to 0 is
effected on the display. When the display reaches 0, measuring phase 3, tripping of
the FI-circuit breakers, is performed.
The reason for this delay is the internal design of
FI circuit breakers. They
feature an energy-storage circuit with a comparatively large self-discharge time
constant, which receives a charge based on the automatic pre-test and would
therefore trip too soon during the tripping test. The „waiting period" of 30 seconds
cancels this effect, so that the tripping time „t
" is measured correctly.
Error Messages:
Flashing symbols on the display generally signify illegal conditions or errors, for
further information see section 3.11 „Display hints".