Intrinsic error on AC current 45...65 Hz
• K1 probe
Primary current
Phase shift
• K2 probe
Primary current
Phase shift
Graph of max. error as a function of an AC primary current (45...65 Hz) : see in
appendices, page 48.
Distortion parameters
Influence of frequency on the measurement (add to the error in the field of reference) :
2% VS from 65...440 Hz
< 3 dB de 440 Hz...1.5 kHz. See graph of max error as a function of the frequency, in
appendices, page 49.
Influence of the frequency on the phase shift : see graph of phase shift as a function
of the frequency for a current of 1 A RMS for K1 probe, and 0.1 A for K2 in appendices,
page 50.
Battery voltage :
Humidity 10...90% RH at ambient temperature : ≤ 0.2% Vs
1...10 mA
± (3% Vs ± 0.3 mV) ± (3% Vs ± 0.1 mV)
0.1...1 mA
± (3% Vs ± 0.5 mV) ± (2% Vs ± 0.5 mV)
≤ 0.1% Vs/V
K1 ≤ 1% Vs/10°C
K2 ≤ 0.7% Vs/10°C
10...120 mA
120 mA...3 A
±1% Vs
-9° maxi
1...12 mA
12...300 mA
±1% Vs
-9° maxi