set the corresponding minutes for the current time. Af-
ter completing the above operation, wait 10 seconds
or press
to save the settings and exit.
4. The time displayed on the heater is consistent with the
actual time.
Please note: if, during this process, no button is pressed within 10 seconds, the
process is terminated.
Lock/Unlock keys (child lock)
The unit can be locked to prevent improper or accidental use.
In order to activate the lock, press and hold the minus and
plus buttons at the same time for three seconds: the key-
pad will then be locked and the "lock" symbol is displayed.
In order to unlock the keypad, press and hold both the plus
and minus buttons again for three seconds.
Heating power settings
This machine has 3 power levels. This is useful when programming daily and
weekly timer mode.
Press the button
Low heating (moon icon ) - in this mode the ma-
chine is heated with 1
High heating (sun icon
is heated with 1
Anti-Frost (icon
temperature drops below 5 degrees Celsius the
heater will start heating automatically.
Instructions for use
to regulate the heating power level mode:
heating element. (low
) - in this mode the machine
and 2
heating elements. (high
) - in this mode when the room