6.7 Auto mode
When this function is activated, the fusion splicer will start
the fusion operation by just shutting the cover (no need to
push any other buttons).
6.8 Start cleaning
When this function is activated, the fusion splicer will au-
tomatically clean the electrodes when turned on, as long
as the cover is shut and no fibres are present.
VERY IMPORTANT: Activating this option increases bat-
tery consumption and reduces electrode working life. The
fusion splicer regularly warns about the need to clean the
electrodes after 10 fusion operations; this is why we re-
commend to carry out the cleaning manually (see section
5.1, "Electrode cleaning").
6.9 Pause fusion
When this function is selected, the fusion splicer will pau-
se and display the fibre angles before proceeding with the
fusion; it will wait until the "FUSE" button is pushed to pro-
ceed with the splicing action.