P1.3 Last calibration pH data
Access this menu to get information on the last performed calibration.
"View" (Factory default), a report is shown on the display with the following information about the
current calibration:
key to get to the innovative graphical representation of the calibration conditions so you
can intuitively view the status of the sensor.
"Print": connect the printer to the device through RS232 port (see outputs connections) to print the
calibration report directly on paper format.
P1.4 Due calibration pH
Enter this menu to set a calibration expiration, this option is essential in GLP protocol.
No calibration expiration is set by default, use
pass between two calibrations and confirm with
Once the calibration has expired, "
continue to make measurements.
Note: The parameter "Last calibration time" in the graphical calibration report is not affected by the expired
calibration, it is just informative.
Note2: With DHS electrode the expired calibration is related to the electrode.
P1.5 Set stability criteria
To consider the reading of a value truthful it is advisable to wait for measurement stability, which is indicated
by the icon
Enter in this setup menu to set stability criteria.
"Medium" (factory default): measurements included within 0.6 mV.
"High": choose this option for a more rigorous reading, measurements included within 0.3 mV.
"Tit" ((titration) no stability criteria is activated, the measurement will be "continuous".
With this option activated, the icon
however, the instrument response time is minimized as it is a simultaneous measurement.
P1.6 Set pH alarm
The user can set an alarm in the Low and / or Maximum pH value.
When the threshold value is exceeded, the device will emit a beep. In the analog display mode, the alarm
range is indicated by the red color.
P1.7 Temperature calibration
All the instruments within this series are pre-calibrated for a correct measure of the temperature. However,
if there is a difference between the measured and the real one (usually due to a malfunction of the probe),
it is possible to adjust the offset of + 5 ° C.
keys to correct the temperature offset value and press
UM Serie 880 EN rev.2 30.07.2020
The graphical calibration report is designed to provide the
user with an immediate view of the calibration conditions,
indeed, the closer are the blue lines (calibration data) to
the outside of the graph, the closer you are to the ideality
of calibration and electrode conditions; conversely, the
condition worsens the more you approach the red
rectangle which represents the limit of acceptability.
The chart shows offset data, average slope and sensor
stabilization time, and how many hours have passed since
the last calibration.
keys to choose days or hours which must
" icon will appear on the display, anyway the user may
appears on the display and the measurement will hardly stabilize,
key to confirm.