1. Esercizio per le braccia e le spalle
2. ABS, esercizio per i glutei e le cosce
3. Esercizio per le gambe
Caution read these instructions before use
1. People with certain medical conditions should consult their doctor before undertaking any form
for exercise.
2. If at any time you fell faint, light-headed or dizzy please stop exercising immediately. You should also
stop if you experience undue stress, pressure or pain at any time. Contact your physician before
continuing with your program.
3. Follow your doctor's recommendations in developing your personal fitness program.
4. Always follow the correct exercising procedure(see enclosed leaflet).
5. Always choose the proper work out which best suits your physical strength and flexibility level.
6. Know your limits and train within them. Always use common sense when exercising.
7. Keep all children and pets away from this machine during use as well as when this machine is
8. Make sure that all the bolts are tight prior to each days use, Periodic maintenance is required on all
exercise equipment in order that it remains in good operating condition.
9. Use the machine on a flat and level surface.
10. Wear proper clothing i.e. work out gear that allows free movement.