Exporting your music files (.WAV)
- Once you have recorded and edited your music, you will need
to save your files to the computer. To do this, click on file and
select the Export submenu.
- Click on this and you will be asked what you want to call the
file and where you want top save it. At this point either make a
note of the folder where your music is saved or save it in a folder
of your choice.
- This can either be an existing one or a new folder.
- WAV is the default export format, you can change the export
format by selecting "Options" next to the Format window.
- You will then also be asked to enter the Artist Name, Track Title,
Album Title, Track Number, Year, Genre & Comments.
Exporting your music files (.Mp3)
- Once you have recorded and edited your music, you will need
to save your files to the computer. To do this click on file and
move down to Export as Mp3 tab.
- Click on this and you will promptly be asked for the file name
of the music recorded which will be saved in the location shown.
At this point either make at note of the folder where your music
is saved or save it in a folder of your choice.
- This can be either be an existing one or a new folder.
NOTE: In order to save as an Mp3, it will be necessary to copy
a file named libmp3lame.dylib. The first time you do this you
will be prompted to locate this file. To do this click on "Browse"
and locate the file in the Mac OSX folder on the CD and select
it. The program will then proceed to save the file as an MP3.
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