- manual dose: pressing key "MAN", the grinder starts to
work. To stop erogation press again key
grinder automatically stops after 4 minutes).
2. Programme
FOR ONE COFFEE CUP - Press for 3 seconds key
"MENU" to get access to programme menu. Press the key
"+" or "-" to slide the menu options, select "time dose 1"
pressing key "OK"; using key "+" or "-" it's possible to
increase or decrease the erogation time, which is displayed
in seconds (3 numbers) and cents of seconds (2 numbers)
to set and re-fine the released dose. After setting
parameter of time press again key "OK" to confirm and exit.
To exit from programme menu press "ESC".
FOR TWO COFFEE CUPS – the same as for one cup, just
positioning on parameter written "time dose 2".
FOR THREE COFFEE CUPS - the same as for one cup,
just positioning on parameter written "time dose 3".
The maximum time you can set is 640 seconds and 99 hun-
dredths of a second for all three options.
STAND-BY TIME – It is the time after which the display en-
ters in power saving mode. press for 3 seconds key
"MENU" to get access to programme menu. Press the key
"+" or "-" to slide the menu options, select " STAND BY
time". Select it pressing key "OK", then using "+" or "-" it's
possible to increase or decrease the time, which is
displayed in seconds. After setting parameter of time press
again key "OK" to confirm and exit. To exit from
programme menu press "ESC". WEAR GRINDERS -
Provides information on the total doses that can be
erogated before the replacement of the grinders. This item
is editable.
press for 3 seconds key "MENU" to get access to pro-
gramme menu. press the key "+" or "-" to slide the menu
options, select "WEAR GRINDERS" pressing key "OK".
Using key "+" or "-" it's possible to increase or decrease the
dosis. press key "OK" to confirm and exit. To exit from
programme menu press "ESC".
Upon reaching the maximum doses that can be erogated
with the set of grinders in use, the display will show the
written "WEAR GRINDERS".
When replacing the grinders, enter the general programming
Press key "RESET" to carry back the number as the value of
"WEAR GRINDERS". After doing it, the written "WEAR
GRINDERS" will disappear from the display. To exit from
programme menu press "ESC".
SET WRITTEN "READY" – Keep touched for 3 seconds key
"MENU" to get access to programme menu. press the key
"+" or "-" to slide the menu options, select "BAR message".
". Select it pressing key "OK", then using key
"MAN" move the cursor till the point you want the written
begins. Use key "+" and "-" to slide the alphanumeric list; to
stop at choosen character and move to next, use key
"MAN". Repeat the procedure till the choosen code for
stand by mode is complete. To confirm and exit press
"OK". To exit from programme menu press "ESC".
BRIGHTNESS – To set the display brightness. press for 3
seconds key "MENU" to get access to programme menu.
Press the key "+" or "-" to slide the menu
options, select "brightness" pressing key "OK", then using "+" or
"MAN" (the
"-" it's possible to increase or decrease the brightness from 0 to
100%. To confirm and exit press "OK". To exit from programme
menu press "ESC".
SET TIME AND DATE - Keep touched for 3 seconds key
"MENU" to get access to programme menu. Press the key "+" or
"-" to slide the menu options, select "time/date" pressing key
"OK". Firstly it appears flashing writing of time, which is ready to
be modified. Pressing "+" o "-" it's possible to increase or
decrease the displayed values. To confirm hour, minutes,
seconds and date press repeatedly key "OK".
To confirm and ex
menu press "ESC".
mation on the total doses erogated by the grinder and the
remanent doses until the next grinding blades change. To
display it, press for 3 seconds key "MENU" to get access to
programme menu. Press the key "+" or "-" to slide the menu
options, select "total count" pressing key "OK". When you
change the grinding blades press key "RESET" to carry
back the number as the value of "WEAR GRINDERS". After
doing it, the written "WEAR GRINDERS" will disappear from the
display. To exit from programme menu press "ESC". PARTIAL
COUNT OF EROGATED DOSES – Provides information on
the quantity of erogated doses from the last reset (usually to
count the erogated doses during the day/week). To reset press
for 3 seconds key "MENU" to get ac-cess to programme menu.
Press the key "+" or "-" to slide the menu options, select "partial
count" pressing key "OK".
Keep touched key "RESET" untill the value returns to zero. To
confirm and exit press "OK". To exit from programme menu
press "ESC".
information on the quantity of erogated doses from the last
reset (usually to count the erogated doses during the month)
and on the quantity of erogated doses in the previous 30 days.
To reset press for 3 seconds key "MENU" to get access to
programme menu. Press the key "+" or "-" to slide the menu
options, select "monthly count" pressing key "OK". Keep touched
key "RESET" untill the value returns to zero. To confirm and exit
press "OK". To exit from programme menu press "ESC".
seconds key "MENU" to get access to programme menu, press
key "+" or "-" to slide the menu options, select "CHANGE
LANGUAGE": select pressing key "OK", then using "+" or "-" it's
possible set the choosen language among the available ones.
After choosing the language, press again key "OK" to confirm
and exit. To exit from programme menu press "ESC".
PASSWORD SET-UP – Set the password for the MENU to be
used. The password is numeric and consists of five definable
digits from 0 to 9. Press "MENU" for 3 seconds to access the
programming menu; press the "+" or "-" button to scroll the
menu until "PASSWORD SET-UP" is reached: select it by
pressing "OK". Set the password as follows: use the "+" and "-"
keys to scroll the desired number. Press "MAN" to move to the
next digit. Once the password has been defined, press "OK" to
confirm and exit. Press "ESC" to exit the menu.
OPTION PASSWORD - Enables or disables the password to
access the "MENU".
IMPORTANT NOTE: ATTENTION - The default password is
it press "OK". To exit from programme