Soldador inversor multiproceso para mig-mag, fcaw, electrodo y tig raspado (72 páginas)
Resumen de contenidos para Elite SI 9200 MP
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12. Liviana y portable. PROTECCIONES DEL EQUIPO El equipo ELITE MP200 se ecnuentra portegido contra sobrecargas por encima del amperaje maximo de salida y ciclo de trabajo en concordancia con las especificaciones del equipo y con proteccion tipo termostato para bobinas de salida y rectificadores.
CAPACIDAD DE SOLDADO – CICLO DE TRABAJO El equipo ELITE MP 200 esta clasificado asi: 200 Amps con 40% de ciclo de trabajo. 115 Amps con 60% de dciclo de trabajo. Basado en lapsos de tiempo de 10 minutos a 40ºC.
No realice ningún proceso de pulido cerca del equipo, las partículas pueden funcionar como conductores eléctricos y causar fallas en el equipo. Apilado El equipo ELITE MP 200 NO puede ser apilado. Transporte y Descarga Nunca subestime el peso del equipo, nunca lo mueva o deje suspendido en el aire por...
El equipo debe colocarse en un sitio con un nivel seguro de inclinación. Proteccion a intemperie: El equipo ELITE MP 200 posee grado de proteccion IP21S. Puede ser utilizado en fabricas y talleres con condiciones estándares. Evite el uso donde el agua o la lluvia, no pueden tener contacto con el equipo.
CONEXIÓN A TIERRA Y PROTECCION CONTRA ALTA FRECUENCIA El equipo SIEMPRE debe estar conectado apropiadamente a tierra. IMPORTANTE: No conectar el cable de tierra (cable amarillo/verde) a ningúna fase de potencia o neutro, la mala conexión del equipo, termina automáticamente la garantía.
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Una vez desconectado el equipo espere 5 minutos como minimo para que los capacitores se descarguen antes de realizar cualquier mantenimiento y/o destapar el equipo. No toque las partes que conducen corriente. El equipo multiproceso ELITE MP 200 requiere suministro de corriente con la siguiente especificación: Rango de Voltaje: 95-270V, monofásico.
2. Tierra / Conector TIG (Fig1 No.9): Conecte el cable de la pinsa de masa al conecector negativo ( - ). Inserte el conector macho en el conector rápido (DINSE10/25) y gírelo en el sentido de las manecillas del reloj hasta ajustar. Asegure el otro extremo del cable a la pieza a trabajar con la pinza de masa.
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1. Boton de avance de alambre (Enebrado) (Fig3 No.5) Presione y mantenga presionado hasta que el alambre sea visible al final de la antorcha. 2. Voltaje Soldado MIG/MAG | Corriente Soldado MMA/TIG DC (Fig 3 No.3) Ajusta el voltaje de soldado (potencia de soldado) entre 1 y 10. Ajuste la perilla para la potencia de salida requerida segun el trabajo a realizar.
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Instalacion del carrete de alambre para MIG Fig 4 1. Rodillo de tension Evitar apretar demasiado el rodillo que regula la presion sobre el alambre ya que esto puede causar fallas en los rodamientos del motor de alimentacion o en el propio rodillo. Para tensionar correctamente elimine toda la tension de forma tal que el alambre de MIG no haga alimentacion, ajuste suavemente hasta que la alimentacion del alambre se haga suavemente, el operario debe ser capaz de detener la alimentacion del alambre al...
UTILZE SOLO ACCESORIOS ORIGINALES ELITE, el uso de accesorios NO ORIGINALES puede afectar al buen funcionamiento del equipo y a la anulación de la garantía.
ADVERTENCIA! EL ARCO ELECTRICO PUEDE CAUSAR QUEMADURA EN LA PIEL Utilice protection para ojos oidos y cuerpo – Asegurese que el area de trabajo este protegida y aislada para evitar heridas a los transeuntes. ELITE SI9200MP | AUTO-VOLT...
El equipo cuenta con dos sockets, para el proceso MMA el portaelectrodo generalmente se conecta al socket con polaridad positiva y la pinza de masa al socket con polaridad negativa sin embargo la polaridad puede alternarse de acuerdo con las especificaciones del fabricante del electrodo. ELITE SI9200MP | AUTO-VOLT...
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Por lo regular (Comprobar especificaciones del alambre): Alambre con Gas = Anctorcha en positivo – Pinza de masa en negativo (estándar en la maquina) Alambre autoprotegido (sin gas) = Antorcha en negativo – Pinsa de masa en positivo ELITE SI9200MP | AUTO-VOLT...
IMPORTANTE: La garantía cubre defectos de fabricación, para una buena durabilidad del equipo y cumplir con la garantía, es necesario darle un correcto mantenimiento al equipo. La Evidente falta de mantenimiento, pueden anular la garantía. ELITE SI9200MP | AUTO-VOLT...
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11.IP21S rating for environmental/ safety protection 12. Lightweight and portable Equipment Limitations The ELITE MP 200 is protected from overloads beyond the output ratings and duty cycle as per machine specifications with thermostat protection of the output coils and rectifiers.
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Welding Capability – Duty Cycle The ELITE MP 200 is rated at 200 Amps at40% and 115 Amps @ 60% duty cycle on a ten minute basis 40ºC. If the duty cycle is exceeded a thermal protector will shut machine off until the machine cools.
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Safety Precautions Read entire section before starting installation WARNING! Electric Shock can kill – Only qualified personnel should perform this installation. Do not touch electrically live parts. Always connect the machine to an earthed mains supply. Select suitable location Place the welder where clean cooling air can freely circulate in and out of the front & rear louver vents.
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Environmental Rating The ELITE MP 200 carries the IP21S rating. It may be used in normal industrial and commercial environments. Avoid using in areas where water / rain is around. Read and follow the ‘Electric Shock Warnings’ in the safety section if welding must be performed under electrically hazardous conditions such as welding in wet areas or water on the work piece.
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Have a qualified electrician install & service this mig welding equipment. Allow machine to sit for 5 minutes minimum to allow the power capacitors to discharge before working inside this equipment. Do not touch electrically live parts. The multi process ELITE MP 200 Welders require a 95-270V 50/60Hz 1-Phase supply.
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Connections Setup machine as per three pictures below: Fig 1 Fig2 1. On/Off Power Switch (See Fig 2 No.13) This turns the Mig Welders on and off. 2. Earth / Workpiece (TIG) connector ( See Fig1 NO.9) Connect the earth lead (negative - ) to this connector Insert male connector into socket and twist clockwise until tight Secure other end of earth lead to Workpiece via the earth clamp.
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Controls and Settings Fig 3 eliteMP 110/220V AUTO-VOLT MIG 200A MMA 160A MIG MMA SI9200MP 1. Wire Inching Button (See Fig3 No. 5) Press and hold until wire is visible at end of torch. 2. Welding Voltage in MIG/MAG | Welding Current in MMA/TIG DC (See Fig 3 NO.3) This adjusts the welding voltage (weld power) from 0 to 10.
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5. Arc force regulator (See Fig3 No.4) 6.Warning LED (See Fig3 No.6) This warning light will come on under these situations Duty cycle of machine has been exceeded, the machine will stop working and the fan will continue to run until machine has cooled down. The light will go off and welding may be carried out again.
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Wire Spool Fitment Fig 4 1. Roller tensioner Do not over tighten wire feed pressure roller as this can cause premature motor and roller failure. Correct way t adjust tensioner is to slacken off pressure so that mig welding wire does not feed, slowly adjust pressure until wire feeds smoothly, you should be able to stop wire feeding by holding wire and it should slip on rollers.
Operating Machine SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WARNING! ELECTRIC SHOCK CAN KILL Do not touch electrically live parts or electrode with skin or wet clothing. Insulate yourself from work and ground Always wear dry insulating gloves WARNING! FUMES AND GASES can be dangerous Keep your head out of fumes &...
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WELDING SPARKS can cause fire or explosion Keep flammable material away from work area. Do not weld on containers that have held combustibles WARNING! ARC RAYS can burn Wear eye, ear and body protection – Make sure work area is protected by proper shielding to avoid injury to passers by.
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Installation & Operation Installation of MMA welding 1. Turn the power source on and select MMA function through the MMA/MIG/TIG selector 2. Set the welding current in relation to the electrode to be welded. Knob 9 10 selector Electrode (mm) 3/32”...
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bearing roll presses the wire exactly into the groove. 6. Press selector switch on for “wire inching” Press and hold until wire is visible at end of torch. 7. Tightly connect the gas hose, which comes from the back of the machine to the brass nipple of supplied regulator, adjust argon regulator to deliver the required litres per minute.
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Maintenance Routine and periodic maintenance WARNING! ELECTRIC SHOCK CAN KILL Turn the input power OFF at the mains switch and remove mains plug from socket before working on this equipment. Have a qualified electrician install & service this equipment. Allow machine to sit for 5 minutes minimum after disconnection from mains power to allow the power capacitors to discharge before working inside this equipment.
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11.IP21S rating for environmental/ safety protection 12. Lightweight and portable Equipment Limitations The ELITE MP 200 is protected from overloads beyond the output ratings and duty cycle as per machine specifications with thermostat protection of the output coils and rectifiers.
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Welding Capability – Duty Cycle The ELITE MP 200 is rated at 200 Amps at40% and 115 Amps @ 60% duty cycle on a ten minute basis 40ºC. If the duty cycle is exceeded a thermal protector will shut machine off until the machine cools.
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Safety Precautions Read entire section before starting installation WARNING! Electric Shock can kill – Only qualified personnel should perform this installation. Do not touch electrically live parts. Always connect the machine to an earthed mains supply. Select suitable location Place the welder where clean cooling air can freely circulate in and out of the front & rear louver vents.
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Environmental Rating The ELITE MP 200 carries the IP21S rating. It may be used in normal industrial and commercial environments. Avoid using in areas where water / rain is around. Read and follow the ‘Electric Shock Warnings’ in the safety section if welding must be performed under electrically hazardous conditions such as welding in wet areas or water on the work piece.
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Have a qualified electrician install & service this mig welding equipment. Allow machine to sit for 5 minutes minimum to allow the power capacitors to discharge before working inside this equipment. Do not touch electrically live parts. The multi process ELITE MP 200 Welders require a 95-270V 50/60Hz 1-Phase supply.
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Connections Setup machine as per three pictures below: Fig 1 Fig2 1. On/Off Power Switch (See Fig 2 No.13) This turns the Mig Welders on and off. 2. Earth / Workpiece (TIG) connector ( See Fig1 NO.9) Connect the earth lead (negative - ) to this connector Insert male connector into socket and twist clockwise until tight Secure other end of earth lead to Workpiece via the earth clamp.
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Controls and Settings Fig 3 eliteMP 110/220V AUTO-VOLT MIG 200A MMA 160A MIG MMA SI9200MP 1. Wire Inching Button (See Fig3 No. 5) Press and hold until wire is visible at end of torch. 2. Welding Voltage in MIG/MAG | Welding Current in MMA/TIG DC (See Fig 3 NO.3) This adjusts the welding voltage (weld power) from 0 to 10.
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5. Arc force regulator (See Fig3 No.4) 6.Warning LED (See Fig3 No.6) This warning light will come on under these situations Duty cycle of machine has been exceeded, the machine will stop working and the fan will continue to run until machine has cooled down. The light will go off and welding may be carried out again.
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Wire Spool Fitment Fig 4 1. Roller tensioner Do not over tighten wire feed pressure roller as this can cause premature motor and roller failure. Correct way t adjust tensioner is to slacken off pressure so that mig welding wire does not feed, slowly adjust pressure until wire feeds smoothly, you should be able to stop wire feeding by holding wire and it should slip on rollers.
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Operating Machine SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WARNING! ELECTRIC SHOCK CAN KILL Do not touch electrically live parts or electrode with skin or wet clothing. Insulate yourself from work and ground Always wear dry insulating gloves WARNING! FUMES AND GASES can be dangerous Keep your head out of fumes &...
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WELDING SPARKS can cause fire or explosion Keep flammable material away from work area. Do not weld on containers that have held combustibles WARNING! ARC RAYS can burn Wear eye, ear and body protection – Make sure work area is protected by proper shielding to avoid injury to passers by.
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Installation & Operation Installation of MMA welding 1. Turn the power source on and select MMA function through the MMA/MIG/TIG selector 2. Set the welding current in relation to the electrode to be welded. Knob 9 10 selector Electrode (mm) 3/32”...
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bearing roll presses the wire exactly into the groove. 6. Press selector switch on for “wire inching” Press and hold until wire is visible at end of torch. 7. Tightly connect the gas hose, which comes from the back of the machine to the brass nipple of supplied regulator, adjust argon regulator to deliver the required litres per minute.
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Maintenance Routine and periodic maintenance WARNING! ELECTRIC SHOCK CAN KILL Turn the input power OFF at the mains switch and remove mains plug from socket before working on this equipment. Have a qualified electrician install & service this equipment. Allow machine to sit for 5 minutes minimum after disconnection from mains power to allow the power capacitors to discharge before working inside this equipment.
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GARANTÍA GARANTÍA ELITE® garantíza todos los productos contra GARANTÍA GARANTÍA defecto de fabricación por un (1) año natural a partir de la fecha de compra Garantía de 1 Año para : Todos los productos ELITE han pasado por rigurosos test de calidad...