Evaluation of Front-End Sound Processing Features of
the Naída CI Sound Processor Family
Front-end sound-cleaning features (WindBlock,
SoundRelax, EchoBlock) and beamforming options (auto
UltraZoom, StereoZoom) are designed to improve and/
or ease listening ability in environmentally noisy and/
or challenging listening environments for AB implant
recipients using a Naída CI sound processor. A non-
inferiority clinical study was conducted to demonstrate
that there is no negative impact on speech understanding
in quiet and noise when these features are enabled.
Subjects were 18 experienced adult recipients of CII/
HiRes 90K implants (12 unilateral, 6 bilateral). Baseline
AzBio sentence recognition was assessed acutely in
quiet and in speech-spectrum noise. Then subjects were
evaluated under the same conditions using each indi-
vidual feature (WindBlock, SoundRelax, EchoBlock, auto
UltraZoom) and a combination of features (WindBlock
+ SoundRelax + auto UltraZoom). StereoZoom was
evaluated only in the bilaterally implanted subjects.
Subjects then experienced the features chronically over
a four-week period. Using a randomized, blinded cross-
over design, subjects were fit with either a single feature
(auto UltraZoom) or a combined feature program
(WindBlock + SoundRelax + auto UltraZoom), each for
two weeks. Group A started with the single feature, and
Group B started with the combined feature program.