(F) Optional Heel Wedge
(G) Functional Ring
(H) Shaft Assembly
(I) Intake Valve
(J) Expulsion Valve
2.5.2 Carbon Fiber Foot with integrated Harmony® Vacuum Pump
The main features of the 1C62 Triton Harmony® carbon fiber foot are the lightweight construction
and the integrated Harmony ® Vacuum Pump with shock absorbing and rotation functionality. This
system permits amputees with MG 3 or 4 the ability to walk effortlessly in everyday life situations
including participation in high energy activities.
The integrated Harmony® Vacuum Pump is a mechanical pump that can create an elevated vacuum
in a prosthetic socket, thereby improving the connection between the amputee and the prosthesis.
The vacuum system consists of a polyurethane liner, an airwick, a rigid socket (which is connected to
the pump), a sealing sleeve and the 1C62 Triton Harmony® with integrated Harmony® Pump system.
Once the environment is sealed, the Functional Ring – which is compressed and released during
normal walking – draws air from the socket through one-way valves and evacuates it through the
pump. After multiple cycles of compression an elevated vacuum of 508-847 mbar (15-25 inHg)
is created in the sealed socket environment.
The Functional Ring in the Harmony® Pump has a shock absorption and rotational function that
help to reduce vertical and torsional forces in the extremities during walking. The result is an im-
provement for both the function and loading situation of the prosthesis wearer.
The 1C62 Triton Harmony® is designed to be used with the footshell and the detachable Foam
Connection Cap. The Foam Connection Cap provides effective connection between the foot and
cosmetic skin foam cover.
The combination of the carbon fiber foot together with the shock absorbing characteristics of the
integrated Harmony® system offer the following functional advantages:
• Secure heel strike with noticeable plantar flexion
• Progressive movement of the ankle in the mid-stance phase for the natural rollover of the foot
• Dynamic transition from the stance to swing phase
• Smooth dynamic forefoot response and energy return
• Compensation for uneven terrain
• Improved suspension
• Reduced volume fluctuations
• Reduced forces in the socket
• Improved proprioception
• Axial shock absorption
• Compensation of torsion moments