Activate this to use your phone's location-based services. Take
pictures wherever you are and tag them with the location. If you
upload tagged pictures to a blog that supports geotagging, you
can see the pictures displayed on a map.
NOTE: This function is only available when the GPS function is active.
Selects a shutter sound.
Automatically shows you the picture you just took.
Select storage to save images.
Restore all camera default settings.
Touch this whenever you want to know how a function works.
This icon will provide you with a quick guide.
When you exit the camera, some settings return to their defaults, such as
white balance, color effect, timer and scene mode. Check these before you
take your next photo.
The Settings menu is superimposed over the viewfinder, so when you change
photo color or quality elements, you will see a preview of the changed image
behind the Settings menu.
Taking a quick photo
Open the Camera application.
Holding the phone horizontally, point the lens towards the subject you
want to photograph.