Google servers, you can search your entire message history,
backed by the speed and power of Google search. Any actions
taken in the Gmail phone application are reflected on the web
browser. For example, if you read a message in Gmail on your
device, it will be marked as read in a Web browser. And a
message that you send using a browser, or even a draft of a
message, is visible in Gmail on the device.
Gmail is conversation-based: Every related message is grouped
in your Inbox as a single conversation tread. In other email
applications, replies to messages are sent as individual
messages, making it difficult to keep track of related messages.
Gmail makes it easy to follow conversations with its
conversation threads.
Gmail is organized by labels, not by folders: By tagging
messages with labels, you can organize your conversations in
many different ways. Whereas in other email applications, each
message can only be stored in one folder. For example, with
Gmail you can label a conversation with your mother about
your brother's birthday present with both "Mom" and "Dave."
Later, you can look for the all messages containing either label.
Using folders, you'd have to store the message in the "Mom"
folder or the "Dave" folder, not both.
Accounts and Messaging