Camera and Video
Picture size to set the size of your picture. Choose from 3M
Pixels, 2M Pixels, 1M Pixels, VGA, or QVGA.
Picture quality to set the image quality for your picture.
Choose from Super fine, Fine, or Normal.
Color effect to apply different color effects to your
pictures. Choose from None, Mono, Sepia, Negative, Aqua,
Sketch, Mono-Negative.
ISO to control the camera's sensitivity to light. Choose from
Auto (default), 100, 200, 400, or 800.
Auto Review to set whether to view the picture that was just
taken. Choose from No Review, 2secs(default), or 5secs.
Restore defaults to restore the settings back to the default
Store location to decide whether to use the device's GPS
to include the location of each picture you take.
White balance to select how the camera adjusts colors in
different kinds of light in order to achieve the most
On: Location stored with picture.
Off: Location not stored with picture.