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ski mode
When the Pivoting Cuff is locked into
ski mode, the edge of the cuff creates
pressure against the boot shell—the
basis for a progressive alpine feel and
f lex. Other Alpine Tour boots build in
e x t r a c l e a r a n c e b e t w e e n t h e c u f f
and boot shell, creating good walking
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s b u t p o o r s k i i n g
walk mode
In traditional Alpine Tour boot designs,
the cuff edge and middle buckles limit the
forward range of motion in walk mode.
Black Diamond's Pivoting Cuff moves
up and out of the way to allow the boot
to flex farther forward than possible in
conventional Alpine Tour designs.
resistance-free stride
The result is smooth 40º range of
resistance-free motion: 20º forward
for maximum mobilit y on steep
climbs and switchbacks, and 20º
rearward for long strides on rolling
The boots come stock in the neutral forward lean position of 18º. To
change forward lean, remove and flip the angle guide, then reinstall for
a more upright 14º stance.
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