In order to optimize the functioning of your stove BIO+ it is necessary to carry out the operations of
maintenance detailed in chapter 5 of the instructions manual. Those that shall be done annually must be carried out
by an authorized technician. Contact your distributor so that he sends you the qualified personnel required. Consider
than in order not to lose the warranty of your stove, you must carry out this annual maintenance and for it to remain
valid, the technician who carries it out must fill in, sign (or stamp) the following forms:
Name of technician:
Clean heat exchanger pipes.
Clean fireplace. (lateral holes).
Dismantle extractor and clean collector of gas outlet.
Clean gas outlet extractor.
Replace extractor joints, both from socket and motor.
Clean gas outlet pipe and check it is in perfect condition
Hoover the bottom side of the stove to avoid convector to
take the stacked dust.
Make sure the basket isn't bended nor broken.
Check ashtray's and door's joint.
After cleaning, make sure the stove operates correctly.
If everything works properly, disconnect the stove until
next use.
Stamp or signature:
Name of technician:
Clean heat exchanger pipes.
Clean fireplace. (lateral holes).
Dismantle extractor and clean collector of gas outlet.
Clean gas outlet extractor.
Replace extractor joints, both from socket and motor.
Clean gas outlet pipe and check it is in perfect condition
Hoover the bottom side of the stove to avoid convector to
take the stacked dust.
Make sure the basket isn't bended nor broken.
Check ashtray's and door's joint.
After cleaning, make sure the stove operates correctly.
If everything works properly, disconnect the stove until
next use.
Stamp or signature:
Name of technician:
Clean heat exchanger pipes.
Clean fireplace. (lateral holes).
Dismantle extractor and clean collector of gas outlet.
Clean gas outlet extractor.
Replace extractor joints, both from socket and motor.
Clean gas outlet pipe and check it is in perfect condition
Hoover the bottom side of the stove to avoid convector to
take the stacked dust.
Make sure the basket isn't bended nor broken.
Check ashtray's and door's joint.
After cleaning, make sure the stove operates correctly
If everything works properly, disconnect the stove until
next use.
Stamp or signature:
Name of technician:
Clean heat exchanger pipes.
Clean fireplace. (lateral holes).
Dismantle extractor and clean collector of gas outlet.
Clean gas outlet extractor.
Replace extractor joints, both from socket and motor.
Clean gas outlet pipe and check it is in perfect condition
Hoover the bottom side of the stove to avoid convector to
take the stacked dust.
Make sure the basket isn't bended nor broken.
Check ashtray's and door's joint.
After cleaning, make sure the stove operates correctly
If everything works properly, disconnect the stove until
next use.
Stamp or signature: